
Clubhouse phone number 01747 824 140 (unmanned)

Gillingham Bowling Club established in 1923 is located to the north of Dorset close to the borders with Somerset and Wiltshire. Only 15 minutes off the main east to west trunk road (A303) and close to the magnificent Stourhead House and Gardens run by the National Trust. 

The bowling club is situated at the end of School Lane SP8 4QR and has a full six rink green which we can layout to 7 rinks when required, reputed to be the best in Dorset.

The brick built clubhouse established in 2002 and refurbished in October 2014 has a private car park and facility for coach parking nearby.

The club has a strong social culture and offers the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of like minded people all the year round. Both beginners and established bowlers looking for new challenges will be made very welcome as will anyone just wanting to be part of a social group which meets regularly throughout the winter. 

We welcome young people ( Junior Membership is only £10) who would like to have a crack at learning the skills and  have coaching sessions set aside just for that purpose. Bowls is a game for all age groups with opportunities for everyone to play at any time from 10.00 am until darkness with lots of help at hand if it should be needed. So why not come along and have a look, it will cost you nothing to try, and you may surprise yourself. We look  forward to seeing you.

Touring Clubs

It’s location makes it an excellent stop for any touring teams when heading to or returning from the south coast being only 90 minutes coach travel from Bournemouth or Weymouth. Coach parking is often available close to the club at weekends. We have an excellent well stocked bar and a large kitchen that can provide cold or hot meals for up to 90 people as required, either served before or after the match. We are affiliated to the Dorset County Bowls association at http://bowlsdorset.org.uk.

As a beginner, or if you have bowled sometime in the past, we have coaches who can offer their help. For total beginners before you join, we suggest 5 hours of coaching, sessions on Saturday or Sunday mornings at a total cost of £20.00. All you need at this stage are flat soled shoes or trainers.

As a beginner Joining the Club      If you would like to join our club we are making a specially reduced Membership Fee for your first year of £65.00 which includes the £20 coaching fee provided you have completed the course. That’s amazing – your first year is only £50.00 extra.

Joining fee for experienced bowlers is £90.

As a member you can come and practice any time from 10.00am when the rinks are available. A quick check in the club diary or fixture book will provide all the information you need. Hopefully we will have found you a friendly buddy to guide you and introduce you to other members and to the fun and games that are available. We have bowls that you can borrow and a second hand clothes rail that will help to get you started.

Gillingham Bowling Club has lots of fun and games days such as the annual Presidents Day, tea drives at the beginning and end of the season and ‘Ladies v Gents’ which is always a good laugh. Friendly games are organised at home and away, cars are shared with fuel travel costs refunded, bowlers will enjoy tea and biscuits, sandwiches and cakes with other clubs. Soon you will have made even more friends to meet at return games.

Within the club there are many organised team games and competitions. Improvers enjoy these challenges and find them great fun too. There are loads of opportunities to play in different sections once you have acquired some skill. There are teams in Dorset Ladies League, Dorset Men’s League, Wessex Mixed Triples and mixed fours, Percy Baker League for Gents over  60, together with county games and competitions.

Social Membership for non bowlers the fee is just £10 for 12 months and entitles the member to join in all social events and support games at any time. 

We have two OPEN DAYS  early in MAY from 10.00 until 16.00 When the club will be open to anyone of any age who wants to come along and give bowls a try – free coaching – just bring along a  pair of heelless shoes and we will do the rest.