<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Tabs Guide > Form Tab > Add List Boxes to Documents |
List boxes enable the selection of one or more options from a fixed list of options:
Figure 1. Example List Box
The functionality of PDF-XChange Editor enables a wide range of dynamic customization for list boxes. Click the dropdowns below for further information:
1. Click the Form tab, then click List Box. A blue rectangle will be displayed beneath the pointer. This rectangle represents the list box:
Figure 2. Active List Box Tool
2. Move the rectangle to the desired location and then click to add the list box to the document. Added list boxes appear as detailed below:
Figure 3. Added List Boxes
•Click and drag the yellow control points to resize list boxes. •Use the options in the Format Tab to determine the style and appearance of selected list boxes:
Figure 4. Format Tab, List Boxes
•Click Select Fields to select and edit form fields. •Click the options in the Form Fields group to enable alternative form field formats. •Click Keep Mode to create multiple list boxes consecutively. If this option is disabled then PDF-XChange Editor will revert to the designated default tool after the creation of a single list box. •Click Tab Numbers to show/hide the tab order numbers of form fields. •The Calculation Order setting is not available for list boxes. •Click Grid to enable/disable the grid, which is used to assist in the accurate placement of form fields, as detailed in (figure 4). •Click Create Multiple Copies to create multiple copies of selected form fields, as detailed here. •Click Fields to show/hide the Fields pane, which is used to view/edit form fields. •Click Fill Color to determine the fill color of the list box. •Click Stroke Color to determine the border color of list boxes. •Click Width to determine the width of list box borders. •Click Border to determine the style of list box borders. •Use the Font and Font Size dropdown menus to determine the font and font size used for list box items. •Use the Text Color dropdown menu to determine the color of the font used in list box items. •Click Properties to open the List Box Properties pane, which enables the customization of additional elements of list boxes and is detailed in the section below. |
The List Box Properties pane can be used to determine a range of style and functionality options for list boxes. For example, it is possible to use the Actions properties to add multiple dynamic actions to list boxes, such as running JavaScript, launching web links and opening files on the local computer. (JavaScript is a high-level programming language that can be used to perform custom operations. See here for an index of existing JavaScript operations that the PDF-XChange Editor forms can use, as well as additional information about JavaScript). Click Select Fields to select form fields, then click the desired field and click Properties in the Format tab to open the List Box Properties pane:
Figure 5. List Box Tool, List Box Properties Pane
The options detailed below are available in the List Box Properties pane:
The General properties determine the general parameters of list boxes: •Read Only determines whether or not the list box can be edited. •Locked determines whether or not the list box can be moved, and whether or not its properties can be modified. •Field Name determines the name of the list box. This name is present when the Edit Form tool is selected, and when list boxes are listed in the Fields pane. •Tooltip determines the information displayed when the pointer is hovered over the list box. •Mapping Name determines the mapping name that the list box uses. This name is used to reference interactive form data when the form is exported, and does so without affecting the appearance of the name in the original document. •Orientation determines the orientation of the list box. •Visibility determines the visibility of the list box. •Required determines whether or not the list box is a required field. Required fields must be filled before documents that contain them can be submitted. •Exportable determines whether or not the list box data can be exported from the form.
The OC Details property determines the optional content layer to which the list box belongs. When a field belongs to an optional content layer, it displays only when the layer is enabled. Use the Layers pane to view/create/edit layers, as detailed here.
The Style properties determine stylistic elements of list boxes. They are detailed beneath (figure 4).
The Position properties determine the position and dimensions of list boxes: •Left determines the distance of the list box from the left margin. •Top determines the distance of the list box from the bottom of the page. •Width/Height determine the width/height of the list box.
The Default Text Format properties determine the default properties when text is entered into the list box: •Font determines the font used to create the list box entries. •Font Size determine the size of the font used to create the list box entries. •Text Color determines the color of the font used to create the list box entries.
The Options properties determine additional options for list boxes: •List Box Items determine the options in the list box. See below for an example on how to add/edit options in the list box. •Sort Items arranges the listed items numerically and/or alphabetically. Note that numerical sorts are performed before alphabetical sorts in cases where both sorts apply. •Multiple Selection enables the selection of multiple list box entries. •Immediately Commit saves selected values as soon as they are selected. If this option is not enabled then the value is saved only when the user tabs out of the current field/clicks a different form field. Please note that this option is not available when the Multiple Selection property is enabled.
The Actions properties determine the action taken when users interact with the list box: •Mouse Down initiates an action when the left mouse button is pressed (without being released). •Mouse Up initiates an action when the left mouse button is clicked (pressed and released). •Mouse Enter initiates an action when the pointer moves into the list box. •Mouse Leave initiates an action when the pointer moves out of the list box. •On Focus initiates an action when the list box is selected. •On Blur initiates an action when the list box is deselected. •The Selection Change property initiates a JavaScript action when the selection in the list box is changed. Click the ellipsis icon to add custom JavaScript. The Edit Action: "Run a JavaScript" dialog box will open. Enter the desired JavaScript for the action and then click OK:
Figure 6. Edit Action: "Run a JavaScript" Dialog Box
Click the ellipsis icon on the right of actions to add/edit list box actions:
Figure 7. List Box Properties Pane, Action Ellipses
The process of adding actions is detailed here. |
Follow the steps below to add/edit list box items:
1. Click Select Fields in the Form tab and select the list box, then click the Format tab and click Properties:
Figure 8. Selected List Box
The List Box Properties pane will open.
2. Scroll down to the List Box Items property and click <Empty>:
Figure 9. List Box Properties Pane, List Box Items Property
The List Box pane will open. This pane is used to add/edit list box items.
3. Click Add New to add new entries to the list box:
Figure 10. List Box Pane
•Click Delete Item to delete the selected item from the list box. •Click the Up and Down buttons to move selected items up or down in the list. The order of items in the pane represents the order to items in the list box. •Enter values in the Export Value column to determine the value given for exported list box items. Note that values must be first selected in the List Box Items pane and then clicked in order to edit the name. •Click to select Display Value names, and then click them again in order to edit the name. •Select the check box of the item to be used as the default selection in the list box. This item will be selected when the list box is in its default state. •Click and drag the yellow control points to resize the list box as desired.
4. Click outside the List Box Items pane to complete the process, then use the Hand Tool to select list box items:
Figure 11. Completed List Box |