HomesCorner.Com - Make Your House More Comfortable


Cheap, Modern and Leopard Print Wall Art Ideas

Saturday, July 16th, 2016 - Wall Design

Choosing wall art is said to be a very easy peasy job for whoever redesigning or renovating a room or the entire house. Most home owners prefer to throw some different Modern Wall Art according to which room will suit for it or picked from...


Thursday, April 28th, 2016 - Backyard, Wooden
DIY chicken coop design

There are so many designs and ideas you’ll find in internet on HOW TO DIY AFFORDABLE CHICKEN COOP DESIGN. Sometimes it comes very handy sometimes not. and of course it all depends to what size you are planning to build. How long you want to...

  • DIY chicken coop tractor
  • Building DIY chicken coop ideas

How To DIY Kids TREEHOUSE at Home

Sunday, March 13th, 2016 - Backyard, Wooden

So many house and lot owners first dream is having a nice treehouse built for their kids. But not everyone gets what they want. Lucky to those who have more spacious backyard, the perfect tree to build it and the most ideal and perfect view...

  • Ladder-and-Electric-Install.-DIYaffordable-Treehouse-Ideas
  • Glass-Window.-DIYaffordable-Treehouse-Ideas
  • Front-of-DIYaffordable-Treehouse-Ideas

Stunning Interior and Exterior Modern Home Design

Friday, March 6th, 2015 - House Design

      STUNNING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR MODERN HOME DESIGN You might be asking yourself if ”HOW TO PLAN OR CHOSE DESIGN to REMODELING and RENOVATING YOUR HOME?” This Stunning Interior and Exterior Modern Home Design will give you so many ideas and knowledge you must...

2015 DIY Cheap/Easy Home Decoration Ideas

Monday, March 2nd, 2015 - Decorating

2015 DIY Cheap and Easy Home Decoration Ideas   DIY decorating is very famous and already a hobby of some other home owners. Who would’ve thought that this incredible and amazingly unbelievable  stunning, intimate and entertaining designs, colors and beyond words of elegance just from scratch...