Core Responsibilities and Role of HR Managers

Core Responsibilities and Role of HR Managers

role of hr manager

In a new age world comes new age techniques and technology. Conventional methods used in every industry are only around for a short period before they too are replaced with bigger and better. Globalization is here, and companies are no longer sticking to their own geographical comfort zones.

Every generation can say they have witnessed the rise and fall of the economy at least once. Adding to the chaos, are strict regulations and laws passed which lead to an endless abyss needing filled by operational policies that not only follow legal guidelines but not compromise the survival of an organization.

And, somewhere in the middle of all this chaos is a much-needed, but rarely noted department– known as the human resource department. The human resource department is always on a continuous path to incorporate strategies and operations of an organization by way of:

  • Services
  • Products
  • Cultures
  • Ideas

Although there was a time when the duty of the HR manager was the simple handling of primary data and record keeping, is now a full-blown “department.” No longer are the duties barely enough for one staff member to do, such as filing applications and noting vacation days. The Core Responsibilities of The Human Resource Department is much more than many realize.

Today’s HR has the full obligation of different workplace difficulties including legal responsibilities and the tactical strategies of the goals of the entire organization. HR is now one of the most challenging and overwhelming departments of an organization.

Take a look at the standard Human Resource functions and the customary role of Human Resource managers.

Role of HR – 10 Core hr roles and Responsibilities:

1. Responsible for Recruiting Fresh Talent

Recruitment of a strong talent pool for job vacancies is a function that goes hand-in-hand with the HR department. For many years now, recruitment has been one of the major and more tedious responsibilities of the human resource department.

The full responsibility of recruiting top talented candidates for a given job description lies wholly on the HR department through the planning and incorporating of tactical campaigns and procedures. Before new hires are on board, HR has the responsibility of relaying company policies and details of the employment contract so that the employee has a full understanding.

Recruitment is said to be the most important part of an HR managers career.  When an individual joins in the HR department, training in recruitment is typically the first stage of that employee’s job.  There are two main objectives to the recruitment officers function, these are:

a). Entice Good Talent: Once there is an established need for a position within an organization, enticing good talent is the first step HR takes to begin the hiring process. Evaluation of the needs of the companies requirements, then determining a plan of action to meet those needs with the placement of talented individuals.

These two steps followed by establishing a “Company brand” used to represent the company image to extend a positive impression to potential candidates. The company branding characteristics are now a large part of HR due to modern media and how employee rights are now front and center.

Gone are the days where just talking a good game to prospective candidates is not sufficient. Now, employees expect an organization to “practice what they preach” by following through with serious actions placing the employees needs first.

It is the HR managers duty to establish in-depth strategies to be incorporated in the hiring process. The Hr manager may not get as many “good job” Compliments from their boss, but you can rest assured if they didn’t take to time to establish the right steps in recruitment, they would hear the negative feedback.

b) Use All Hiring Resources: At this point in the full recruitment cycle, all the key strategies are in place. With modern technological advances and avenues for finding potential candidates, the competition is fierce in attracting the top talent. It is the HR managers place to explore all avenues to put themselves on the market in search of the best person for the job.

Part of the HR managers duties includes the following:

  • Seek locations to advertise job openings and requirements
  • Communicate with potential candidates through bulk communication avenues
  • Collect all responses
  • Filter potential candidates
  • Coordinate interviews

Once the interviewing stage is complete and prospective candidates are singled out; the HR manager uses negotiating strategies to mediate between the organization and the candidate until there is a win-win accomplishment between both parties.

2. Employee Training

Just because getting over the hurdle of hiring the right candidate has happened doesn’t mean the HR manager can now relax. As a matter of fact, the challenge has just begun. Even though companies handle the task in different fashions, training an employee is still often the challenging part.

There is a lot of time invested in taking a freshly hired employee and getting them acquainted with a company’s work pattern and job description. Before a new hire can work on their own, the HR manager should incorporate a proper training plan strictly based on the skills needed for their job title.

The level of training an employee receives will also be a determining factor in how much confidence, motivation, and retention the new hire feel about their ability to perform the tasks. For any training to be successful, each new employee should receive hands-on training for a period to get him in sync with the corporations work guidelines.

This level of training will not only help the employee, but the HR team along with direct management will gain insight into the abilities of the employee. Upon completion of the initial training, HR has a significant part in assessing the outcome of the training program the company has in place as well as the grading process.

3. Professional Development

Developing employees is just as important as training. By molding your employees to be professionally sound is not only a benefit for the individual but also a bonus for the corporation. An employee likes to feel appreciated and needed and enrolling employees in trade shows, conferences, and seminars communicate to the individual that they are valued will be beneficial to both parties.

Situations such as these is a clear win-win for both sides. A leader in HR will know the employee’s subjects of interest and look for opportunities to tap into those areas. For instance, if an employee had the desire to learn and master SEO techniques, it would be HR’s responsibility to place the employee in training that would deliver a skilled employee on the topic.

4. Employee Appraisals

Beings Human Resource Management is a department that operates around the employees, carrying out the employeee valuations is a must. Not only are performance appraisals good with assisting in pay raise or promotions, but it also encourages the employee to perform at their greatest potential.

Another asset to an appraisal is that it allows employers to give feedback on the employee’s level of performance with the option of providing steps for improvement. Not only does this assist in helping the employee understand what the expectation of their job is but where they lack as well. Appraisals offer a guide to the employee for performance improvement and target achievement.

The role of the human resource department in this scenario is to have in place a policy of producing timely appraisal reports and the review of the reports by management and employee.  The HR team along with the team members management officials should communicate the results of the appraisal while offering advice for performance improvement and satisfaction.

Typically, upon the discussion of the employee’s performance, employers provide the employee with raise in pay and/or promotions. Such rewards contribute to employee motivation, increase the level of production, and employee participation.

5. Maintain a Healthy Work Environment

Another duty that falls onto the responsibility of HR is supporting a safe, fun, and healthy work environment to incorporate a level of comfort amongst employees while eliminating any awkward or stressful situations that could hinder the staff’s performance.

It is important to maintain an efficient work ambiance due to the performance of an employee depends highly on their daily surroundings. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a healthy open-door policy where employees could communicate their opinions freely with the confidence of being heard.

Above all, HR has the responsibility to provide an open attitude while displaying a friendly disposition. It is vital that all HR employees communicate and treat each employee as equals so that a good rapport between HR and employees is always front and center.

6. Resolving Conflicts

Anytime there are a group of people, each with their set of ideas; conflicts are going to happen. Whether the conflict is between management and employees or between employees, HR holds power to intervene and offer a resolution.

The human resource manager should always be available to all parties to listen to the issues without showing prejudice to either side. A Complete investigation before making any decisions and judgments are a must.

The HR department should refrain from playing favorites or discriminating and should always deliver a practical and honest decision.  If there were any loss due to actions of one party, a full reimbursement should take place for effective resolution.

7. Employee Relations

Human Resource got its name because it deals with the human side to an organization while the heavy emphasis is on having good interpersonal skills. To be an effective HR manager, the individual must build connections with employees by mingling with staff instead of staying in their office always.

Employees should feel comfortable talking with the HR leader about issues. Therefore, it is important that the Hr department has an excellent image within the company. HR should be proactive and get to know all the employees which mean employees within the HR division are more than just “desk job workers.”

It is the HR leader’s role to establish the confidence and trust of employees instead of having employees fear their presence with a “don’t mess with me” attitude. The HR manager should appear as an employee advocate as well as an HR expert.

8. Legal Knowledge

Thankfully, this section is the least worn hat HR puts on. Although it may not be glamorous, it is equally important. Knowing employment laws is important as the other division’s HR take part in on a daily basis. Whether it be writing contracts or implementing new policies, it is HR’s job to ensure the organization is following the law.

By staying in line with employer and employee law’s, the team can continue to exist and grow. The HR team should always remain at the upper hand legally and keep the companies practices in fine tune with tax laws, labor laws, minimum wages, legal working hours, and a nondiscrimination policy.

9. Organization

It is also the HR departments responsibility to organize all the functions within the organization,on boarding new employees, welcoming new hires, the introduction of employees, and orientation of company rules and policies.

HR should assign new employees to a mentor as well as see to it they are properly introduced to colleagues. Storing all the employee data and organizing employee files is a large part of HR duties as well as listing job expectations, roles, and responsibilities.

10. Payroll Management

Other than daily management of employees and the standardizes of the entire human resource department; one other section is a large part of HR-payroll management. Attendance, sick leave, vacation time, and time worked is all tracked and recorded; it’s time for the paramount part of HR—Payroll management.

Payroll involves the following:

  • Calculation of salaries
  • Wage-cuts
  • Reimbursements
  • Pay amounts
  • Insurance and benefits deductions

Are all part of HR payroll management. The HR department should always be willing and ready to provide employees with information when asked. It is HR’s duty to calculate with accuracy the payroll calculations as well as the transfer of funds. Settlement funds to existing employees are part of their role.


Eighty percent of an organizations assets is the human element which is reason alone for quality control of your HR departments function. To build up a staff of professionals, it is important to have a well-managed HR department.

If your HR department in slacking, your company’s future will no doubt suffer. The role of the HR manager is to maintain a healthy organization while keeping employees on good working terms. By doing so helps keep your company in good standing which will attract the best in talent.

Hansica Kh.
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