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JayByrd's Stormwind Mount Guide Stormwind Riding Trainer
Stormwind Mounts
JayByrd's guides are easy to understand. If you are looking for a Stormwind riding trainer, you will be done in mere seconds. Pictures and descriptions of everything you need to know in this guide and any other guide JayByrd makes. The Stormwind Flying Trainer is very easy to find, especially when you have pictures. I never really played alliance so I had no idea where anything was. Believe me I am a seasoned WoW player, but I felt a noob when I had to run around looking for guards. Hopefully this will make it so you don't have any problems finding the trainer or flightmaster.
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Stormwind Flying Trainer
The Stormwind flying trainer is actually very easy to find, if you are know where you are going that is. He is right next to the Flightmaster in Stormwind. So if you know where that is, just simply look right next to him and you will find them. Otherwise this picture shows you a picture of the bank in the Trade District and then the opening to get to the flightmaster on the left.
Stormwind Riding Trainers
- Stormwind Flying Trainer.
- Stormwind Gryphon Keeper
- Stormwind Riding Trainer
- Stormwind Stablemaster
Stormwind Mount Trainer
Here is the original place where you would go and get a horse mount. Don't really need it for Worgen though, so not a big deal to me personally.
Flightmaster in Stormwind
The flightmaster is right between the two guys you need. The Flightmaster in Stormwind was a huge problem for me to find at first. It is very simple to find, but is a pain when you have to run it, that is for sure.
The guys not in the middle are the guys you are the trainer and mount seller.
Stormwind Gryphon Master
Here are all the different Gryphons that are available in Stormwind. I can buy them and get pictures for all of them if enough people ask, however I'm not sure if anyone is interested.