A Few Friendly Reminders for Friday

Dear Families.

  • Nightly Reading Homework is due tomorrow!  Please have your child bring their charm necklace or bracelet to school.
  • It is Popcorn Friday.  Bring your quarters if you are interested in buying popcorn!
  • PBIS Reward is tomorrow.  If your child moved their clip less than 4 times, they are invited to go on a scavenger hunt.  They may bring in a “junkie” snack if they wish.

Have a great day!

Ms. Wright

Week of April 27, 2015

Hello Families,

It sure was fun at Lindbergh’s Bingo for Books on Friday night.  My own boys can’t wait to go again.  Thanks to Mrs. Carlile for organizing such a great event and for all the parents who volunteered to make it successful!  What a wonderful community we have at Lindbergh!

Here is what you need to know for this upcoming week:

This week’s spelling words are:  top   pop  mop  hop

  • Monday:  Letter books will be sent home.  We are working on the “sh” digraph.  Your child’s pictures/words  may have the “sh” sound anywhere in the word.  Please have them circle the “sh” in each word.  Your child will take their spelling test tomorrow morning.  Please make sure that your child returns their spelling notebook on Monday.  Also,  we are short one spelling helper this week, if anyone is interested, please let me know.  The helpers pretty much start at 8:45 a.m.  Please have your child wear gym shoes today.  Library books need to be brought back to school today.
  • Tuesday:  We will be going to the Media Center, music and art today.
  • Wednesday:  Publishing Center Book Assembly today at 8:45 a.m. in the cafeteria.  Thanks to Mrs. Carlile for organizing this event too.  She sure is one busy lady!:)  We will go to music today.
  • Thursday:  Spider Science at 1:00 p.m. today.  We will be illustrating our Publishing Center “Spider books”  today.  We can always use helpers.
  • Friday:  We have gym and computer lab today.  Today is Popcorn Friday, bring your quarters!:)

Science Fair Boot Camp is quickly approaching!  We need lots of volunteering to much this event a success.  If you are interested, please clink on the link below and sign up.

One  last thing…

At dismissal time, we need parents and family members to wait outside and meet us at our line.  The Lindbergh staff needs to safely dismiss 343 students each day.  It makes it difficult for us to do that when the hall is filled with family members.  Thanks in advance for showing your child that we all follow the Lindbergh Way!!:)

Have a great week!

Ms. Wright


April 24, 2015

Hello Families,

Was that a great music concert last night?  What a gift to see our kindergartners on stage!  Mrs. Baloga really is an amazing teacher.   If you took any great pictures last night, please email them to me.  I don’t have a single one.

We still need help on Wednesday, April 29 at 8:45 am to help us with Publishing Center.  We would really appreciate it!

Also, below is our link to sign up to be a volunteer for Science Fair Boot Camp.  We need lots of volunteers to help  make this event a success!  I even have both of my parents signing up to help.  If you know of any responsible high school students looking for community service hours, please forward the link to them.

To sign up, go to:

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Wright



Publishing Meeting Correction

Dear Families,

The Publishing Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29 at 8:45 a.m. not May 29th.  Sorry for the confusion.  I have too many dates swimming around these days!

Hope you can make it!!!!

Ms. Wright

Publishing Center Helpers!!!

Dear Family Members,

At Lindbergh we have a long traditional of something called Publishing Center.  Each year every Lindbergh student publishes their own book.  All of these published books are displayed in the Media Center for the school to view.  The kindergarten published books will be on displayed during Muffins for Moms on Friday, May 8th.  However, we need your help soon!!!  Next Wednesday, May 29, we will be having a Publishing Book meeting after drop off time, 8:45 a.m. down in the cafeteria.  Here is where we hope to set up an assembly line and get the books completed.  If you are interested in helping us, please let me know by leaving a comment below.

Hope you can make it!


Week of April 20, 2015

Dear Families,

Here is what you need to know for this upcoming week:

  • Letter Books:  all the letters have been assigned and should have been completed by this point.  Since we have at least 7 more weeks and extra pages in our letter book, we will be studying the digraph “ch” this week.  Even though they are two letters, it makes one distinct sound.  Your child needs to find 5 pictures that have the “ch” digraph.  It may be placed anywhere in the word.  Examples are:  chips,  March or orchard.  Please make sure your child writes down all the sounds they hear in the word and circle the “ch” digraph in the word, noticing where it is placed in the word.
  • Spelling words this week:  fit  bit  hit  sit
  • Please make sure that your child returns their Spelling Notebook on Monday.  Each week several students seem to forget their spelling notebooks at home.  Our Spelling Helpers are here to help us on Mondays.  It really puts your child at a disadvantage if they are not prepared.  Thanks for your support.

Monday:  Letter books are sent home.  Your child will take their spelling test. Please have your child return their library books if they have one.  We never made it up to the Media Center last week to check out new books. Wear gym shoes

Tuesday:  We will be rehearsing for our music concert.  We will be going up the Media Center.  We will go to Art.  Our kindergartners will start today on our District Writing Prompt.

Wednesday:  We will be rehearsing for our music concert.  We will continue on with our writing prompt.

Thursday:  We will continue on with our writing prompt.  No Mad Science.  Kindergarten concert begins promptly at 6:30 p.m.  Please report to our classroom at 6:20 p.m.  We will line up your child in concert order while you may find a seat in the auditorium.

Friday:  Return letterbooks. We will be completely our writing prompt.  Bingo for Books at 6:30 p.m.

Important Future Dates:

  • Wednesday, May 6th  Science Display boards are due today!
  • Thursday, May 7th  Lindbergh’s Science Fair Boot Camp from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Friday, May 8th  Muffins for Moms at 9:00 a.m.  If your child’s mom cannot attend, please pass along the invitation to a grandma, aunt or family friend.  It is really important that every child has someone come.  Invitations will be sent home this week.
  • Friday, June 5th  Donuts for Dads at 9:00 a.m. If your child’s dad cannot attend, please pass along the invitation to a grandpa, uncle or family friend.  It is really important that every child has someone come.  Formal invitations will be sent home soon.

Bridget’s Growth Update:

Here is what Bridget looks like now:

0419151446 (1)

Have a great week!  See you at the concert or before.

Ms. Wright



Bridget Growth Update

Hello Families,

I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous day!  Here is a picture of Bridget the alligator.  She is enjoying being at Ms. Wright’s house for the weekend, although it was a tricky drive home. 🙂 Take a look!


Ask your child how long is Bridget now?  She started at 2 1/2 inches.  How much has she grown?

Hopefully you are enjoying having the alligators at your house.  My own sons want to do the experiment too!!

Have fun!

Ms. Wright

Bridget’s Growth Update!

Hi Families,

We were excited to see that Bridget had grown since yesterday.  Here take a look!

Alligator growth 002

Our alligator Bridget is now 3 inches long and definitely wider!  Today your child will be taking home their experiment and science display board.  If possible, start as soon as you can.  Have your child decide on the “mystery liquid” (the variable.)

Your child should also start the “Growing Alligator Planning Guide Sheet.”  Have your child come up with their Big Question.”  Your child may write the question on the planning sheet or you may write it down depending on your child’s level.  But make sure it is their question.  We did an example in class today.  Take a look!

Alligator growth 003

The “I Think Statement” is your child’s hypothesis.  What do they think will happen and why?

Your child will also be taking home their science display board.  Complete directions are in the packet.  The boards are due Wednesday, May 6th.  Today in class, I showed them some examples of the completed boards from last year and we talked about each one.  If possible, take lots of pictures of the alligators during the experiment.  Here are a couple of examples from last year.

science display boards 002 science display boards 005 science display boards 007 science display boards 017

Thank you so much for the support you give your child’s learning!

Have a great weekend!




At home-project for upcoming Science Fair Boot Camp

Dear Families:  We started our Science Fair Boot Camp experiment today in class.  First, we read the book, “Zack’s Alligator,” by Shirley Mozelle.

march is reading month 016


Next, we took our own alligator, named Bridget from the story, and measured it.

march is reading month 020

Finally, we placed Bridget in a container with water.

march is reading month 017

Students are excited to see her grow in our class!

They are even more excited as they will be taking home two of their own alligators tomorrow (Friday).  Don’t panic as complete directions will be included!

Stay tune for Bridget’s growth updates!

Week of April 13, 2015

Howdy Families,

Hope you had a wonderful spring break!  Here is what you need to know for this upcoming week:

Letter Study of the Week:  E  e

New Spelling words for this week:  fin   pin   tin   win



  • Spelling Test tomorrow!  Your child will be tested on these words:  hid   kid   lid  did  plus another “id” word.
  • Spelling Notebooks are due tomorrow.  Your child needs to complete 5 spelling activities.  Most students completed their activities before the break.  Way to go!!
  • PBIS Reward is tomorrow.  We will be watching part of the Tigers game.  If your child has any Detroit Tiger apparel, please have them wear it.  If not, wear Tiger colors of navy blue and/or orange.  They may bring in a junkie snack to eat during the game.  If your child did not stay on green 80 percent of the time in March, they will be going in the Reteaching room instead.  Please do not have them bring in a junkie snack.
  • Return library books!
  • Wear gym shoes.


  • We will be going to the Media Center.
  • We will be practicing for the Kindergarten Concert.
  • We will go to Art.
  • PTA Meeting at 7:00 p.m.


  • Today in class, I will be modeling our Science Fair Boot Camp experiment in class.  We will be “Growing Gators.”
  • We will be practicing for the Kindergarten Concert.


  • I will continue to model the “Growing Gator” experiment for Science Fair Boot Camp.  This will be instead of Mad Science.


  • Letter books are due today!
  • Wear gym shoes.
  • Popcorn Friday 25 cents
  • We will go to the Computer Lab with Mrs. Ackerman.
  • Science Fair Boot Camp materials and science display boards will be sent home today.

Future Important Dates:

  • Kindergarten Concert:  Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.  If your child will not be attending the concert, please let Mrs. Bologa know as soon as possible.
  • Science Fair Boot Camp:  Thursday, May 7th from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  Here you will see hundreds of science display boards, including your child’s, as well as participating in 20+ hands-on science activities.  You won’t want to miss it!!!!

Here’s to a great week back!

Ms. Wright