
News and Announcements

News and Announcements

Testing Season is Coming!

Attention students! Testing season is approaching. Please be advised that standardized testing will commence in April and continue through May. It is crucial that you review your individual testing schedules carefully to ensure you are prepared and present on your assigned days. Let's make this a successful testing period!

Free After School Tutoring

Our FREE Title I After School Tutoring Program has begun. We highly encourage all our students to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to receive additional support. Students who are currently enrolled in Intensive Courses, are part of the ESOL Program, or received a low grade (D or F) in the 1st Quarter grading period are encouraged to attend after-school tutoring.

• Attendance will be taken at every tutoring session.

6th Grade New Student Orientation

Summer Reading and Math Packets

Attention Knights! Keep your skills sharp over the summer by completing your math and reading packets. Set aside a little time each day to read the stories and complete the exercises. All packets may be found attached.

Math and Reading packets will be graded as a TEST when you begin in August.

Need a copy? Pass by the Main Office to pick up a copy. Stay on top of your summer learning!


¡Atención Knights! Mantenga sus habilidades actualizadas durante el verano completando sus paquetes de matemáticas y lectura. Reserva un poco de tiempo cada día para leer las historias y completar los ejercicios. Todos los paquetes se pueden encontrar adjuntos.

Los paquetes de Matemáticas y Lectura se calificarán como PRUEBA cuando comience en agosto.

¿Necesita una copia? Pase por la oficina principal para recoger una copia. ¡Manténgase al tanto de su aprendizaje de verano!

School Day SAT Prep

12th Grade Students: Join us for FREE SAT Prep Classes. Open your camera and scan the QR code to register. We hope to see you there!
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    Spirit Week


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