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Nguyen Huy Hoang
18 articles

Tamiya A-1J 1/48

January 13, 2015 · in Aviation · · 25 · 7.9K

Hi all,

I present to you my A-1J from . The build was finished in 2013 with lots of scratchbuild such as engine an wing fold,cockoit details. Only decal was Aftermarket,the model was finished with Gunze Color.
All comments are welcome.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Excellent job, of the most realistic presentations I've seen. Nicely finished and photographed.

  2. Outstanding! Well done - a great Skyraider.

  3. This is an awesome model! Well done and welcome to Imodeler!

  4. As said above, an outstanding build, well presented in a realistic diorama.
    Great work and welcome 🙂

  5. Beautiful work, Nguyen. The setting really enhances the model. Nice to see such great detail in a 'standard' kit without resorting to an expensive Zoukei Mura alternative.

    Welcome aboard.

  6. Glorious!
    I love the way you went all out with the weathering.

  7. That is one very well crafted Spad Nguyen.
    Welcome to iModeler.

  8. that is double gorgeous...very fine

  9. wow, this is really well done Nguyen! excellent weathering and i love the maintenance stand. great work!

  10. Welcome, Nguyen!
    Really good rendition of the SPAD, and the diorama setting is as good.
    Where did you get the blast walls? Are the maintenance platform and fire extinguisher scratchbuilt?
    Got any other VNAF aircraft?

  11. Nice! Nice! Nice!
    Glad to have you with us here at iModeler.

  12. Well done! A great model set of in a very natural setting.

  13. Splendid work. I look forward to seeing more of your models.

  14. Hi mate. Lovely model! Immaculate finish and very realistic weathering. It looks like you have put a lot of time into that!

  15. Great work on the Spad, well done!

  16. Very nicely done and welcome aboard.

  17. Awesome. That's all.

  18. Exceptional, nice work

  19. Really impressive. Welcome to I-modeler and looking forward to seeing more of your models.

  20. Thank you all for your kind world 🙂

  21. Very good work,Nguyen, not only the detail and finish on the aircraft, but also your work on the setting, and to top it off the photographs are great as well!

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