Awesome polar bears are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world!
10 Chilling Polar Bear Facts
Awesome and beautiful polar bears are some of the most amazing...
6 incredible facts about giraffes
When you think about giraffes, you immediately think of one word: huge! These large, but...
Top 10 amazing things you didn’t know about penguins
Penguins are one of the most recognisable animals in the world. All penguins live in...
8 amazing facts about elephants
8 amazing facts about elephants
These big eared creatures are lovable and fun. But did you...
8 fascinating facts about cheetahs
8 fascinating facts about cheetahs
What do you know about cheetahs? These beautiful big cats, found...
Weird Facts
The famous Hollywood sign in Los Angeles originally read ‘Hollywoodland’.
It was part of a real estate marketing campaign. Only in 1949 was the sign changed to Hollywood as it is today.
The Ancient Egyptians invented the toothbrush and toothpaste.
The Ancient Egyptians used the frayed ends of wooden twigs for toothbrushes - ouch! - and a mixture of burnt eggshells, ashes, powdered ox...
Sharks do not have bones.
Sharks are powerful animals but they actually don't have any bones. Their skeletons are made up of cartilage, a softer material which also gives...
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.
The white part of your tooth is harder than anything else in your body, even your hardest bone, made up of 96% mineral. In...
Charles Dickens had a pet raven
He called it Grip and after its death, he had it stuffed. It is now on display in Philadelphia.