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OF THE MODERN HOME Brett Birthisel, General Manager, EcoBusiness
There is no doubt that in recent decades technology has changed the way Australians live and work. With the complex mix of technologies, home owners are now being urged to think about how their homes are currently wired and their future requirements.
odern homes are filled with multiple forms of technology - tablets, home computers, smart TVs, game consoles and smartphones to name a few. New technologies, such as USB charger outlets, are being developed all the time, so home owners are continually faced with the questions of how best to connect them and how to know what equipment has real ‘staying power’. With the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) into Australian homes underway across the country, home owners, renovators and new home builders are also considering the steps they need to take to prepare the new homes for the NBN; and how they can take full advantage of what the NBN will offer in entertainment, healthcare, education and convenience. Due to the recent advancements in connectivity the NBN has allowed, home control and automation products are gaining traction with consumers. A smart home, equipped with lighting, heating and electronic devices that can be controlled remotely by a smartphone or computer enables home owners to improve energy efficiency and reduce bills. Because systems within the smart home are activated only when needed, unnecessary consumption of energy used for heating, cooling, lighting and watering is minimised. For example, window furnishings can be controlled to maximise natural light, shade and temperature, and watering systems can be activated when they are most effective during the cooler hours of the day. The ability to manage energy and water usage to this extent also means home owners are now looking, and expecting, significant cost savings on electricity and water bills by reducing lost energy and using off-peak power where possible. With this, we’re seeing a change in the electrical contractor industry led by the ‘eco-sparkie’, or an electrical contractor who considers the environment. As a result of the focus on convenience, energy efficiency, environmentally friendly solutions and cost savings, the electrical contractor is now expected to provide much more than just on-site
labour. The eco-sparkie is required to act as a trusted advisor in specification, design and integration for the modern home. The electrical contractor must now consider the need for not only the hard-wired cabling and wireless technology that is required for technology in the home, but how energy-efficient products can be integrated in the electrical design to create the desired outcome for the home owner. For example, a sustainable solution in a home or office can often be as simple as the addition of a motion sensor to an outside light. This solution will work to meet the home owner’s need by providing energy savings, added security and convenience, while showcasing the knowledge and value the electrical contractor can provide. The trend towards energy efficiency, ease and convenience extends not only to modern home owners but to commercial and industrial sectors, where energy-efficiency ratings are often even more important. Monitoring and control systems are used by many building owners in the industrial sectors to maintain their NABERS energy-efficiency rating and comply with BCA requirements. Commercial buildings are often more attractive when they meet energy-efficient credentials - from the point of view of landlords who find them easier to lease and sell and for tenants who see overwhelming benefits in ongoing energy savings. As a result, energy management organisations are also adopting the concept of the eco-sparkie. For example, Schneider Electric and Clipsal have launched the EcoXpert program - an exclusive partnership for electrical contractors who focus on commercial and industrial buildings that provides access to coaching, training and specialist tools so contractors can keep up to date with solutions for the commercial sector. The focus on convenience, energy efficiency and sustainability has meant home owners are now relying on the electrical contractor as a trusted advisor and specialist in the space of energy efficiency and sustainable energy use. Schneider Electric Buildings Australia Pty Ltd www.schneider-electric.com.au
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