Kiwi6 shut down on December 31, 2022. All user data was permanently deleted and can no longer be recovered.
Previous customers can contact [email protected] if they believe they are due a refund or billing adjustment. Please include relevant payment details or an invoice. Since all non-financial data has been permanently erased, we regret that we will not be able to help with other support inquiries.
You can read the founder postmortem: Why Kiwi6 shut down with 645,911 users.
Pursuant to our previous update, on December 31, 2022, Kiwi6 will be shutting down.
New uploads are now disabled for all users. Download your files now before they are removed.
All files will be deleted -- and all personal user information will be permanently removed -- on December 31, 2022. Please note the following will also be deleted, and will stop working after December 31st:
Retrieving deleted files: If your files were deleted for inactivity, this deletion is permanent and those files can no longer be retrieved.
Kiwi6 is sunsetting its service. Here's what you need to know:
For free users:Thank you for your support.