Q: Can I integrate an existing printer into the Pharos system?
At this time, this is not possible. There are two reasons for this. First, there is a technical limitation – due to the way Pharos is configured at MIT, we require all public student printers to use the same print driver. We are working on removing this requirement while retaining the benefits of the "submit once, print anywhere" system, but for now, all printers must be the same model.
The other reason we do not allow this is that we do not currently support "chargebacks" via Pharos. Remember that the printer is only part of the cost – there is also toner, paper, maintenance, and the purchase of the Pharos terminal. Many groups that want to connect private printers to Pharos want to charge their users, and this conflicts with one of the key goals of the Pharos deployment, which was to ensure students have access to the printing resources they need without extra charges.
We are always willing to work with groups on corner cases or exceptions, and if you believe you have identified a way to ingrate your private printer into the Pharos environment – keeping in mind the concerns above – please contact us at [email protected].