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Software resources

Different software implementations of Keccak, the standard SHA-3 and SHAKE functions, Ketje, Keyak and Kravatte are available. The first place to look for an implementation is the Keccak Code Package. For reference implementations and tools for cryptanalysis, we propose KeccakTools. There are also plenty of third-party implementations in different languages, as in the non-exhaustive selection below.

For software performance figures, see this page. For older packages, see the archives.


The eXtended Keccak Code Package or XKCP gathers different free and open-source implementations of Keccak and Xoodoo-based schemes, such as the SHAKE extendable-output functions and SHA-3 hash functions, the cSHAKE, KMAC, ParallelHash and TupleHash functions, the Ketje and Keyak authenticated encryption schemes, the fast KangarooTwelve extendable-output function, the Kravatte and Xoofff deck functions, and the Xoodyak lightweight scheme.

The XKCP is organized in a way that one can easily switch between optimized implementations of the Keccak-p or Xoodoo permutations for different platforms, without touching on the higher-level code.

Written in C and in assembly, the XKCP also contains some standalone implementations in Python and Rust.


KeccakTools is a set of C++ classes that can help analyze Keccak and the related variants.

KeccakTools contains:

  • the reference implementation of the Keccak-p permutations, and of most of the Keccak instances and variants, including Ketje, Keyak and Kravatte;
  • the generation of optimized code for the round function of Keccak-p;
  • the generation of mathematical equations underlying the operations in Keccak-p;
  • a plethora of tools to analyze Keccak-p under differential and linear cryptanalysis, as used to prove lower bounds on the weight of trails.

Third-party implementations

First, this form lets you find implementations that have been validated by NIST as SHA-3.

Then, the following open-source libraries integrate Keccak, SHA-3, SHAKE and/or other functions.

Some blockchain-based projects use Keccak and therefore contain their implementation, e.g.,

Finally, here is a non-exhaustive list of other implementations that can be found on the web. (If you feel your implementation should be in that list, do not hesitate to drop us an email.)

XoocycleSean B. PalmerCXoodoo, Xoodyak
charmFrank DenisCXoodoo
fehashmacHarald von FellenbergCKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, KMAC
keccak-tinyDavid Leon GilCA tiny implementation of SHA-3, SHAKE, Keccak, and sha3sum
libkeccak and sha3sumMattias AndréeCKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE
sha3sum and then someJim McDevittCKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE and a highly parameterizable utility program
tiny_sha3Markku-Juhani O. SaarinenCVery small, readable implementation of SHA-3 and SHAKE
Post-quantum crypto library for the ARM Cortex-M4 (pqm4)crystalsnetworkdevCSHA-3, SHAKE, cSHAKE
libmdigestJörg SchillingCSHA-3
digestppkerukuroC++Keccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, cSHAKE, KMAC, KangarooTwelve
Keccak on GPULing Song, Guohong Liao and Jian GuoCUDAAs part of their paper in CRYPTO 2017 to find collisions in reduced-round Keccak
ccminerTanguy PruvotCUDAKeccak
New SHA-3 permutation kernelEric GrangeDelphiKeccak
Delphi Encryption CompendiumMarkus HummDelphiSHA-3
elm-keccakprozacchiwawaelmKeccak, SHA-3
GoKangarooTwelveDavid WongGoKangarooTwelve
StrobeGoDavid WongGoThe Strobe protocol (Keccak-f[1600])
Xoodoo/XoodyakCalvin McCoyGoXoodoo, Xoodyak
CryptographyBobulousJavaKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE
keccakjAmund ElstadJavaSHA-3, SHAKE, Lake Keyak
noble-hashesPaul MillerJavaScriptKeccak, SHA-3, cSHAKE, KMAC, TupleHash, ParalllelHash, KangarooTwelve, KeccakPRG
js-sha3Chen, Yi-CyuanJavaScriptKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, cSHAKE, KMAC
jsSHABrian TurekJavaScriptSHA-3, SHAKE, cSHAKE, KMAC
cryptocoinjs/keccakcryptocoinjsJavaScriptKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE
node-sha3Phusion B.V.JavaScriptKeccak, SHA-3
SHA-3 in LeanGerald DoussotLean 4SHA-3, SHAKE
hashcathashcatOpenCLKeccak, SHA-3
HashLib4PascalUgochukwu MmaduekweObject PascalKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, cSHAKE, KMAC
Digest::SHA3Mark ShelorPerlSHA-3, SHAKE
PyCryptodomeHelder EijsPythonKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE
Kravatte Achouffe Cipher Suite in Python/NumPyCalvin McCoyPythonKravatte
SHA-3 and SHAKE in MPyCBerry SchoenmakersPythonMultiparty computation of SHA-3 and SHAKE
SleepingKangaroo12Sarun RattanasiriRubyRuby bindings for KangarooTwelve
tiny-keccakMarek KotewiczRustKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, KangarooTwelve
SP800-185 in RustquininerRustcSHAKE, KMAC, TupleHash, ParallelHash
RustCrypto/hashes and RustCrypto/spongesRustCryptoRustKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, KangarooTwelve, TurboSHAKE
Xoodyak for RustFrank DenisRustXoodyak
kangarootwelve, turboshake, xoodyak and xoofffAnjan RoyRustKangarooTwelve, TurboSHAKE, Xoodyak, Xoofff
libkeccak and ksumDaniel KingSPARK/AdaKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE, cSHAKE, KMAC, KangarooTwelve, TupleHash, ParallelHash, Ketje
mipherMarco PalandTypeScriptKeccak, SHA-3, SHAKE
mima-kitRSoraMTypeScriptSHA-3, cSHAKE, ParallelHash, TupleHash