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Nations RP: You expect me to quit?

Last posted Sep 30, 2014 at 09:11PM EDT. Added Sep 14, 2014 at 07:47PM EDT
72 posts from 23 users

The Nations RP is a turn-based forum in game in which they players take control of their own socio-political entity, a nation if you will. The most recent game: Click this shit.

This time the game begins in 300 BC, and players will have a choice: They can begin as as a nomadic people in any area not occupied by another nation, OR, begin as client Kingdom within the borders of The Seleucid Empire, The Mauryan Empire, or a member of the Warring States

(Black Edges are Fog-of-War. The small circles represent cities of significance, Stars represent Capitals, and therefore that the nation present is a settled, united people. New icons will be raised as they become relevant.)

To join, you’ll need a Name for your people, a Flag or Symbol to represent them, a Color (it can be any EXCEPT Black or White), and a location you want to begin in. Your culture will be determined by your location.

I’ll have sign-ups open for a few days. 10-15 people is about the limit. Once interest is registered or peoples are made, I’ll detail how turns work.

Nation name: Naval Monte


Color: Velvet Blue or Dark Purple

Location: Celts

I'm surprised to see this thread coming back. I guess I can ho;d on to my Cold War idea for a while longer, I still have somethings to figure out for it before I can even get it out anyway.

neet wrote:

Country: Crimsonland (Crimsonlanders)

Location: East of Xiongu
Colour: Orange.

is your leader this guy?

Cale wrote:

Here you are.

Turn 0 goes tomorrow.

Sorry if this seems nitpicky but is there any chance I could be more in the location of Thialand/Laos? By southeast asia, I meant that peninsula that extends just south west of where you put me.

Now for details:

All players have a publicly displayed set of “stats” that give a rough idea of the state of affairs, and are as follows:

Player Name
Culture: Lifestyle and Culture your people adhere to. Mainly affects diplomacy.
Government: The system of power that your people follow, affects efficiency of actions.
-Military; The size and composition of your military, both Army and Navy. No player begins with a Navy.
-Economy; Rated by a series of x’s, higher being a greater amount
Revenue: Taxes and regular income, this is an abstract measure of the amount of time, effort, or money you can spend without concern.
Treasury: Money or Assets that a nation has in reserve, which is used for expensive or extreme projects, such as large drafts or new settlements.
-The size and type of classes that make up your people.

For example:

The Seleucid Empire
Hellenic Persians
Army: Huge size, Professional Soldiers
Navy: Average Size, Levied Ships
Revenue: xxxxxx
Treasury: xxxxxxxxx

Turns are fairly simple, you send a Private Message to me, with your nation's Name as it appears in turns, followed by Turn X, x being the turn we are currently on, beginning with "1".
The first turn madcat will send me for example, will be "Cattonia Turn 1".
If you do not follow this format exactly, I will ignore your turns entirely.

Each message can consist of up to six “moves”, which may be any sort of action performed by your leadership, for example:

1. Sending Troops into [Neighbor Country]
2. Send an envoy to [Neighbor Country] to propose and alliance.
3. Establishment of a universal mint to standardize currency.

They CANNOT be “Meta-Moves”

1. Build a twenty mile wall around my country: There is no possible way that could be done.
2. Send an Emissary to America: You could not conceivably know of America.
3. The people all begin worshiping the king as god: You cannot control the people themselves, they are only influenced.

Players also have to interact outside, I won’t middle-man negotiations between players. Moves are instructions, and should be treated as such.

Last edited Sep 16, 2014 at 11:10PM EDT

Turn 0, 300 BC

Map of the World

World Events:

- A string of inexplicable states appear almost overnight, from the farthest African Coast to the lonesome Japanese isles. Some of these nations are obscure, while others are held in contempt by their neighbors. Either way, they should send in their turns within 48 Hours of this posting.
- Phyrrus of Epirus, held captive by the Ptolemaics, is forced into a political marriage, allying Egypt and Epirus… somewhat.


Lil B
Latin Etruscan
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Aristocracy

- A network of displaced Etruscan peoples, with a minority of Gauls and Celts, Cincosay has arisen as a confederacy of the enemies of Rome. As such, these people are obviously not on good terms with the Romans, but are in much better airs with the Greeks and Samnites in the south, as well as the many Celtic peoples to the north. This crossroads is a very dangerous place to be, and if Cincosay hopes to survive, they will have to throw their lot in with the greatest power. At least, until they are the greatest power.


Captain Douglas J Falcon
Hibernian Celts
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy, Powerful Priesthood

- Various Celtic tribes in Hibernia (Ireland) have been united though the machinations of the Druids, whose power among the Celts is unquestioned by even the mightiest of Kings. While Hibernia has always been home to various peoples of a root Celtic stock, no other power has risen on the great isle. Lack of significant neighbors means that the Kickassians lack friends and foes alike.


Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Slave Class, Strong Hunter-Warrior Class

- A combination of Arab tribes based in Yemen, majority Himyarite or Sabaean, under the thumb of an oppressive regime of non-sentient Crab-Monsters, most likely creatures from beyond the Sahara, or even the far Indus. They are, by virtue of their inhumanity, hated by everyone, but are in a remote location, safe from the prying eyes of the Diadochi and their "Civilization".


wiz khalifa
British Celts
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy, Powerful Priesthood

-Where did all these black guys come from and why can't we talk to them. Or their friends.

Kingdom of Vale

Berbers/Libyan Folk
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class, Weak Aristocracy

- A tight alliance between Saharan Nomads and Berber peoples unwilling to pay subservience to Carthage, the "Kingdom" of Vale has formed into an informal state of coastal settlements and nomad clans who support one another. The Vale has no true enemies, but due to their refusal to become vassals to Punic Houses, have earned the scorn of Carthage and their Celt-Iberian allies. With no chance of entering the Mediterranean as it stands, the Vale may have to look north for greater things.

Naval Monte

Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- The region now referred to as "Naval Monte" by some is home to many peoples: displaced Egyptian peasants, natural Ethiopians, Arab settlers, and many others. The Naval Monte has grown in the shadow of Alexander's empire, and even now his Diadochi, the Ptolemaics especially, leave Naval Monte an obscure state, staying alive only thorough trade of incense and spices. Proximity to the greatest powers in the world means that the Naval Monte must move carefully, or strive to outlast these titans. Empires rise, and empires fall.


Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class

- A blend of many weaker German and Celtic tribes, Fortuna is the model of what the Hellenistic world would call "barbarian"; an informal union of tribes, who boast of their strength and wear trousers day and night. Fortuna has not made any real enemies, but the European tribes have always been at odds, and are unlikely to make an fast friends with these Fortunans. The east and west both hold promise for these people, and have the great privilege to set their stakes down in any of these fertile lands.


Crouching Sloth
Yilou/Tungusic Peoples
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Powerful Hunter-Warrior Class

- The barest scraps of Steppe Culture from the West and Korean Culture from the South, Crimsonland is the result of a sudden advancement of stone age peoples into something resembling Civilization. The inhabitants of Crimsonland are unknown, untested, and if not given the right direction, unworthy.


Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xxx
Treasury: xxxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy, Strong Priesthood

- A client Kingdom held under the thumb of the Mauryan Empire, Cattonia combines traditional Hindu-Indian culture, including the dominant Caste-System and powerful Brahmins, as well as influences from Arabic and Ethiopian peoples. Cattonia is currently without foes, but its status as a vassal means it cannot do as it pleases, and is unlikely to be strong enough to rebel against these tyrants. At least, not without outside help…


Germanic Peoples
Tribal Confederation
Army: Large Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class

- Consisting of a large, independent Germanic tribe making a late move from the bitter north, the Antonna are among the last pure Germans, having met no influence from Celts or the Hellenic world, but by no means is this a good thing; the Antonna are caught between the north, a land of limited opportunity, and the fertile south, bristling with rivals, not the least of which is the massive alliance just beyond the lands claimed. Settling down where they now stand is neither an option, being the highway of tribal migration. Where ever they head, they will have to fight for a homeland.

Monarchy of Roses

Tchefuncte Bonaparte
Kinh Vietnamese
Army: Average Size, Conscripted Levies
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- The Monarchy of Roses may not be in the center of human progress, but it does have one point of pride: being a direct descendant of the Van Lang, a kingdom more than two thousand years old. As such, the Roses are no strangers to the orders of a state, and being surrounded by only the most insignificant of tribes, stand in great position to expand across Asia. That is, if the Chinese remain divided, and do not reach for the fertile landscape themselves…

Miao Maru

Alice Der Daemonentoter
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- Like many, the Miao Maru are those who could not, or would not, accept the dominance of Chinese culture and taxes. What separates the Miao Maru, is the fact that they have managed to rally these unfortunates into their own confederation, a growing power in the shadow of a chaotic China. With the states lost in their own conflict, the Miao Maru stand to expand uninterrupted, or the more dangerous, but more profitable move, exploit the Chinese aggressions against one another.

Utain Folk

Chinese/Steppe Folk
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Conscripted Levies
Revenue: xxx
Treasury: xxxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class, Weak Aristocracy

- A blend of he powerful Chinese ways, along with bits of the northern Nomads, the Utain Folk are one of the weakest and least regarded of the states in conflict. Their influence from the Yuehzi and Xiongu to the north has led to the Utain becoming something of a pariah, and should not expect friendly host from the Warring States. China has no shortage of enemies, however, and if the many unworthy tribes and nomads of the surrounding lands can be rallied by the Utain, they may stand to dominate one of the most prosperous regions in the world.


Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy, Average Priesthood

- The Autons are many; Celts, Gauls, Iberians, Germans, Britons, even bits of Etruscan and Greek colonists. Though strife from these difference are frequent, they all share the same interest; prosperity. Barely considered a people their own, the Autons have managed to go beneath the notice of their neighbors, and that is their advantage; They may go where they please and not find themselves in a strange land. An identity should be chosen quickly enough, however, as men are not a heterogeneous thing.


Yayoi/Jomon Peoples
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Strong Hunter-Gatherer Class

- The Weeaboos are the last surviving strands of the Jomon people, who have mostly disintegrated into the Yayoi to the south and Ainu to the north. As such, the Weeboos are culturally indistinct, united only by their shared lifestyle of whacking off to cartoon women nomadic hunting. The isle of Japan is not the most fertile of lands, neither in mineral wealth or arable land, but is reasonably isolated, meaning the only conflict the Weeaboos will see besides arguing on the quality of their cartoons will be against the Corded-Ware Yayoi to the south.

Imperial Collectives
Ethnic Chinese
Army: Average Size, Conscripted Levies
Revenue: xxx
Treasury: xxxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- and Gary.

Last edited Sep 16, 2014 at 11:29PM EDT

>Their influence from the Yuehzi and Xiongu to the north has led to the Utain becoming something of a pariah

> should not expect friendly host from the Warring States.

>if the many unworthy tribes and nomads of the surrounding lands can be rallied by the Utain, they may stand to dominate one of the most prosperous regions in the world.

So pretty much my people are treated like shit by the warring state, and i should build and army of tribes… WELL THANKS FOR THE HINTS CALE!

Last edited Sep 17, 2014 at 12:23AM EDT

Looks like I have to clarify a few things:

1. Follow the PMing Format. Seriously.
2. Remember, you are the governing body of this nation. People don't have to be told to eat or have kids.
3. Wooden Currency is a terrible idea.

Cale wrote:

Looks like I have to clarify a few things:

1. Follow the PMing Format. Seriously.
2. Remember, you are the governing body of this nation. People don't have to be told to eat or have kids.
3. Wooden Currency is a terrible idea.

Someone tried to make wood as a form of currency? Trading it I can understand but as a substitute for coins and mints?

Cale wrote:

Looks like I have to clarify a few things:

1. Follow the PMing Format. Seriously.
2. Remember, you are the governing body of this nation. People don't have to be told to eat or have kids.
3. Wooden Currency is a terrible idea.

>wooden into currency.

kek out of/kek

i know i got my failures but damn.

Alright, Cale asked me to post the turn since he can't do it right now due to certain reasons.

Turn 1, 300-280 BC

Map of the World

World Events:

- If your turn is blank and you sent something in; A. You failed to format the PM correctly, B. You failed to format the PM correctly, C. I didn't get it.

- Macedonia passes through several hands before finally returning to independence.
- Lysimachus is killed by Seleucis I in the "final" battle of the Diadochi, leaving Thrace largely to it's original holdings before Alexander.
- Rome finally defeats the alliance of its Etruscan, Gaulish, and Samnite enemies, leaving the Italian Peninsula largely in Roman hands.
- The Scythians, legendary for their skills in war, have grown beyond their wealth, and in short, have become lazy. The Sarmatians, a tribe that has stuck to its nomadic roots, begins to overtake the bloated Scythian empire.
- Three tribes of Gallic-Celts migrate into the Balkans, causing havoc and ruin in their wake as they pillage the land and defeat the Greeks battle after battle.
- The Cattonians never existed, and Cincosay was destroyed alongside the other Etruscans.


Captain Douglas J Falcon
Hibernian Celts
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Navy: Tiny Size, Commercial Boats
Revenue: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy, Powerful Priesthood

- The city of Tara to the east is easily put under boot by the Kickassian warbands, declared the capital of a new nation, and putting some real roots down for the people who before lived on their heels.
- A new port town is settled on the southern coast of the isle.
- A "navy" of sorts is built, but only so far as a dozen or so keels with slingers could be called a navy.


Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Crab-Monster Warrior Class
Navy: Average Size, Crab-Monster Murder-Machines
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Slave Class, Strong Hunter-Warrior Class
Technologicals: Breeding

- The Crab Master-Race breeds in a set of claws that are better suited to burrowing, allowing the enlish creatures to tunnel and burrow with some measure of agility..
- Swimming lessons prove fairly pointless, as the Akash Crabs know this instinctively. Simple drills, both on land and sea, however, teach the dumb animals a thing or two to improve their efficiency.
- Though unable to comprehend Scientific or Mathematical ideas, Crabs do get the understanding that certain sex on certain ladies makes certain babies, allowing for some limited controlled breeding.
- Useless vestigial wings are found on some crabs. The possibilities are horrifying.


wiz khalifa
British Celts
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy, Powerful Priesthood

- Scouts to the east and north report nothing of any interest or concern.
- A coastal settlement is made the capital of Kanyestonia, and the people turn towards a sedentary lifestyle.
- Leaders and druids work together, producing a large amount of groves and sacred stones dedicated to their eponymous God of the West, Kanye.

The Vale

Berbers/Libyan Folk
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class, Weak Aristocracy

- A currency of Bronze is developed. Though the tokens and coins have some inherit value due to the expensive tin used in their creation, they prove inefficient, as importing the tin alone is more costly than their value.
- The Capital of the Vale is established in the east, close to the lands Carthage calls its own.
- The selective monarchy is disintegrated in favor of a more traditional coalition of representation.
- Carthage rejects proposed trade agreements, contemptuously pointing out the lack of profit in the deal.
- Hunters are trained by warriors, apparently. This is strange, because by and large the hunters are the warriors.

Naval Monte

Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Navy: Tiny Size, Commercial Boats
Revenue: xxx
Treasury: x
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- A standard currency of precious metals is innovated. The universally accepted items improve the capacity and efficiency of exchange.
- Expensive as it may be, a large temple dedicated to several pantheons is produced to cater to the various faiths in the Monte. However, though this may have been well intended, it serves only to split the people apart, as arguments and debates turn bitter as to which Gods are true, which are stronger, and so forth. These arguments mainly refer to the Arabian Triad, Egyptian, and Greek Gods.
- A small flotilla of biremes are created to service the confederacy.
- Many homes are built in a systematic format to condense the population, but a lack of urban centers makes these "sub-urbs" relatively redundant.
- While the planning of cesspools and open sewers is perfectly possible, the need for them is nearly non-existent at the moment.


Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class


Crouching Sloth
Yilou/Tungusic Peoples
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Strong Hunter-Warrior Class

- A monarchy replaces the confederacy. No one really contests this change.
- The eastern coast of Crimsonland is settled, and a capital is established.
- A currency based on precious metals is put into production, vastly increasing the ability of the Crimsonland…ers…ians… to conduct trade both internally and externally.
- The north is found to be devoid of… anything really. Very nearly lifeless with the exception of a handful of stone-age hunters.
- The Gojoseans reject an alliance with the Crimsonland…ite…ese… seeing Crimsonland as a backwards, unsophisticated people.


Germanic Peoples
Tribal Confederation
Army: Large Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class

Monarchy of Roses

Tchefuncte Bonaparte
Kinh Vietnamese
Army: Average Size, Conscripted Levies
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- Though an idea regarding tax-breaks for settlers willing to put down stakes in the name of the Crown is well received, the reality is that too few are willing to brave the frontiers, where bandits or renegades make the peasant's life that much harder.
- The formal military is made slightly more formal with the addition of a few silk banners. Sexy.
- A mandate creates forced education for those in active service, as well as weekly for children. Literacy rates rise by an impressive margin, creating something of a more informed society.
- Though the Mauryans hold no opposition to opening trade with the Rose, the rough terrain and distance between centers of commerce create another barrier to trade: expense.

Miao Maru

Alice Der Daemonentoter
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- The river-valleys to the west prove to hold rich lands, which are sparsely populated by by unorganized river villages and valley tribesmen.
- Though not seeing the Miao Maru as anything near equals, the Han State does open its court to Marun delegates, at least somewhat interested in what the country men are doing.
- Literate agents are sent into the state in search of pieces of any philosophical or social benefit, mainly of the long-standing 100 Schools of Thought. Many such items are brought back and studied by various scholars, bringing a great deal of Chinese influence into the federation.

Utain Folk

Chinese/Steppe Folk
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Conscripted Levies
Revenue: xxx
Treasury: xxxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Average Hunter-Warrior Class, Weak Aristocracy


Army: Lesser Size, Elite Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy

- A Briton king rises to power, and begins to promote his fellows through favoritism. Large numbers of easterners begin to leave to leave the lands, and Celtic influences drop sharply as the Druids no longer have the greatest say. Despite some resistance to such a minority gaining the majority say, pain of death averts any serious resistance.
- The definition of "Warrior" grows much more strict, as the usual warbands take a back-seat to "career warriors" in the form of well-equipped 'guards' and chariots, though large bands of lifelong archers are still a necessary component.
- A Capital is established on the coast of the channel, providing a seat for the new center of power.


Yayoi/Jomon Peoples
Tribal Confederation
Army: Average Size, Warrior Class
Revenue: xx
Treasury: xxx
- Strong Hunter-Gatherer Class

Imperial Collectives
Ethnic Chinese
Army: Average Size, Conscripted Levies
Revenue: xxx
Treasury: xxx
- Weak Peasant Class, Weak Aristocracy
Technology: Rice Bricks

- Attempts to create giant mirrors fall completely flat, as the polished bronze plates are far too expensive to produce for no apparent reason.
- Voluntary drafts prove futile by virtue of being voluntary; With war being a fact of life, days in the field seem almost ideal.
- A fascinating new process by which sturdy bricks can be made entirely of rice is devised, providing a base for rice homes.
- Fortifications are added to the capital, mostly consisting of additional walls and towers.

" The Gojoseans reject an alliance with the Crimsonland…ite…ese… seeing Crimsonland as a backwards, unsophisticated people."
Wow rude.


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