We’d love to hear from you regarding any aspect of Letterboxd. Please check our Frequent Questions page, and if your enquiry is not answered there, send it to us by email (use the links below or click the “Help” button in the bottom right corner of this page) and general messages of delight or dismay via email.
Please direct email enquiries to one of the following addresses only (mass mails will be ignored):
✉️ General support enquiries
✉️ Press or media enquiries
✉️ Partnership and co-marketing enquiries
✉️ Film-festival partnership enquiries
✉️ Social-media collaboration enquiries
✉️ Editorial pitches for <em>Journal</em>
✉️ Film data corrections
✉️ Advertising enquiries
To make feature requests, please use our Feedback channel. Your feature may already have been requested by another member, so check first, and add a vote or comment to their entry.