We would like to hear how you are using National Safety Month information and materials to promote safety in your workplace, home, or community. Please submit your comments [here].
As the National Safety Month Planners Space explains, 2006 is the 10th anniversary of National Safety Month.
Our 10th anniversary theme, Making our world a safer place, reflects the National Safety Council’s mission to prevent accidental injury and death by educating and influencing people to adopt and maintain safe and healthy practices and behaviors in all aspects of their lives. Throughout the month, 2006 National Safety Month activities will address safety risks and include injury prevention tips applicable to the workplace, driving, and the home and community. MORE...
The National Safety Month Planners Space also publishes an Injury Facts Challenge that visitors can post on their Web spaces (as I will next week) and the response rate to the question that inspired this article. The ratio as of this posting, of 17 comments to 1,829 views, might suggest at first glance that site visitors are a voyeuristic bunch. But as I caution my students: figures can lie, liars figure and all data must be evaluated cautiously. In this case, some would-be respondents might have encountered the same site malfunction that thwarted my submission and prompted me to answer the question here and in an email to the National Safety Council.
Here's how my radio shows, publications and PSAs in June 2006 - the 10th anniversary of National Safety Month - will help make the world a safer place. My broadcasts this month featuring Flavor Flav (on June 14 from 1-2 pm - click here to read, "Lettin' you know what time is: Flavor Flav will guest, playwright Ray Aydelott will co-host on the 6/14/06 SCORE Radio & Lisa Tolliver Shows"), Westchester Emergency Volunteer Reserves-Medical Reserve Corps (WEVR-MRC, on June 14 and 28 between 1:30 and 2:00 PM) and Boy Scouts of America (BSA, on June 28 between 1:30 and 2:00 PM) will ensure that Whitney Radio listeners are well informed about National Safety month. Listeners will learn about BSA's emergency preparedness products for home, auto and office that are available at ReadyScout.com and hear emergency preparedness and safety tips provided by Marianne Partridge of WEVR-MRC. WEVR-MRC Emergency Preparedness & Safety Tips - which could mean the difference between life and death during a disaster or emergency - air on the Lisa Tolliver Show every 2nd and 4th Wednesday between 1:30-2:00 PM, Eastern Time and post online at Emergency Preparedness & Safety Tips.
Listeners worldwide can hear and share in the broadcasts by tuning their radios to WVOX AM 1460 (in the Tri-State NY, NJ,CT region), listening live online at www.wvox.com, or phoning the studio call-in line: (01) 914 636 0110. Additional information is posted before and after each broadcast Lisa Tolliver On Air and Online at lisatolliver.blogspot.com. More details about the WVOX, the shows, SCORE and me are available online at the following websites: www.wvox.com, www.scorewestchester.com, www.score.org/volunteer_tolliver and www.lisatolliver.com.
Listeners worldwide can hear and share in the broadcasts by tuning their radios to WVOX AM 1460 (in the Tri-State NY, NJ,CT region), listening live online at www.wvox.com, or phoning the studio call-in line: (01) 914 636 0110. Additional information is posted before and after each broadcast Lisa Tolliver On Air and Online at lisatolliver.blogspot.com. More details about the WVOX, the shows, SCORE and me are available online at the following websites: www.wvox.com, www.scorewestchester.com, www.score.org/volunteer_tolliver and www.lisatolliver.com.
My work this month reflects my background as a former Girl Scout (the organization's motto is "Be prepared") and current affiliations with WEVR-MRC (as a media partner and trainee) and with the Federal Safety and Health Council/Hudson Valley (as a corporate partner via my firm, 360 MERIDIAN, LLC).
Now here's a question for you: How are you making the world a safer place? You may submit comments here, as well as photos, announcements and links to your audio or video blog and/or to phone WVOX when I'm on air at (01) 914.636.0110. Show the world that you know what time it is! If you're listening, we're listening...talk with us! ###