Back pain presents a common health problem for many people. There’re a lot of factors that could cause lower and back pain. It could be lifting heavy objects, internal injuries, poor posture, muscle tension, strenuous activity or lack of physical activity. Without proper attention, it can become a frustrating problem and treating it later will become more difficult. Traditional medical approaches usually treat the anatomical problems of back pain. However, to keep the problem at bay, it’s recommended to take a more multifaceted approach. So consider also using the following effective home remedies to get rid of back pain.
Apply ice and heat
Ice makes a great pain reliever. It blocks pain signals, temporarily of course. So wrap an ice pack in a towel and lay it on the painful area for up to 20 minutes. Repeat it several times a day. Alternatively, a bag of frozen peas or corn will do. After about 48 hours switch to the heat method. For this method, dip a towel in warm water, wring it out and place it on the affected area. Cover the towel with a plastic wrap and top on top put a heating pad. Leave it for 20 minutes. Repeat the heat method several times a day for a couple of days.
Release your inner endorphins
Your inner endorphins can actually be as strong as any manufactured pain medication. So as you release your inner endorphins, they will help to block the pain signals from registering in your brain. Not only that, but they also help to release anxiety, stress, and depression, all the things that quite often are associated with chronic back pain. So consider doing aerobic exercises, meditation or massage therapy (for example, you can get a massage chair for daily deep relaxation).
Exercise your core
The strength of the muscles in your core and back is very important for supporting your lower spine. These muscles are often overlooked. However, they need specifically targeted exercise. Include in your daily routine simple 20-30 minute exercise. One good option is simply sitting upright on an exercise ball.
Make sure you get enough sleep
Insomnia quite often leads to pain, especially back pain. The majority of chronic back pain sufferers have some type of sleeping disorder. So if you treat only the pain, it can become a vicious cycle. Start by treating the sleep problem as well.
Perfect your posture
For keeping back pain at bay it’s very important to keep up good body posture. In both sitting and standing position, you should not keep your body bent for long. So avoid slouching and sitting on the edge of the chair.
Do some yoga
Yoga can do wonders for a variety of health problems and lower back pain is one of them. There’re different yoga poses that you can try out that will help you alleviate the pain.
Massage with olive oil
A good massage with olive oil will help to reduce the muscle tension and release the joints stiffness, thus also bringing relief to back pain.
Do some stretching
If in your daily life, you do a lot o standing or sitting for long hours, take regular breaks for about 5 minutes and just do some stretching or quick exercises.
Drink lemon juice
Some naturopaths recommend as a home remedy for back pain drinking lemon juice twice a day. It will also help treat back pain.
Music therapy
Another great way to treat back pain that is caused by stress is with music therapy. This cost effective home remedy will provide complete relaxation for your body, calming down your mind and thus reducing stress.
Proper breathing
Meditation incorporates deep breathing which brings more body awareness and relaxation, which in turn also helps alleviate back pain.