
20 February 2013

The easiest envelope-cushion-covers ever!

We have just recently replaced the world's most uncomfortable sofa for a sofa you would actually choose to sit on! We don't have a heap of spare space in our small flat, but decided that it was time to have somewhere comfortable to sit, and so if it meant turning the table around and eating standing up, well so be it (just kidding, but it is snug in here!!). 

After getting used to our new life of comfort, it dawned on me that there was still something missing, cushions. I didn't want to be messing around with zippers so made 3 quick envelope cushion covers, which took about an hour in total. Sounds pretty easy right? They sure are. 

I wanted to use some salmon wool fabric I bought at a lovely store in Bath, Atmosphere Bath, but also wanted a bit of a contrast, so decided to go with green stripes as well. 

You may be an accomplished seamstress who may want to skim over this tutorial, for the rest of us, it's always handy to know the basics. 

Measure the cushion you are hoping to cover.  Then cut your first piece an extra inch on both sides. My cushion was 15",  so I cut my fabric to be 16" x 16". 

To cut your second piece (which is going to be the back of the cushion), place your first piece on the fabric and then add an additional half of the length. I therefore added 8" in one length. This will form the envelope. 

This back piece now needs to be folded in half length-ways and cut down the middle. 

The next step is to make a seam on the inside edges, which will form the envelope flap, and is highly visible, so its nicer if you turn the seams under. I like to do a double seam, ironing as I go to make it easier. 

Sew these seams in place. 

You are now ready to pin the front and two back pieces together. Place the fabric together with the outside pattern on the inside. Start pinning the two back pieces to the front piece, being sure to have the two seams together in the middle of the fabric. The two seams will overlap a fair amount, that is the idea. 

Take your fully pinned cushion to the sewing machine and do a simple straight stitch the entire way around. I like to reinforce the envelope openings, so perhaps do a backstitching over these sections. 

Cut the corners once you have finished sewing. Rather than just cutting the triangles off the corners, I like to do what I call "castle cut". It makes it even less bulky in the corners which is particularly useful if you are using heavier fabrics. 

Turn your cushion inside out, and fill with the cushion insert. This is how the envelope will look once the cushion has been filled. 

And here is the finished product, ready for me to go and curl up and read a good book on (or in actual fact, read That's Not My Bunny to my 8 month old on!). 


  1. Hi Meg,
    According to me I was very confused that how people can make home made cushion covers as it looks very difficult task but when I have read your whole article and decided to make some cushion covers for myself in practical then I found that it is really a very easy task but the perfect knowledge should be keep in mind before to go swing cushion covers.
    Thanks for the wonderful share and keep sharing like this!!!

    1. I'm so thrilled to hear you had some success following this tutorial! Thanks for the note! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg