Name: Underworld Armor
Version: 1.0
Category: Weapons And Armour
Author: zertualpro
=== Description ===
This mod adds three Underworld sets from the film of the same name.
=== Location ===
You can buy in shop - A Fighting Chance in Imperial City.
=== Install ===
Extract the archive into your Oblivion\Data folder and check the 'Underworld Armor.esp' in the launcher.
=== Incompatibility ===
=== Known Issues or Bugs ===
=== History ===
v1.0 - (07/12/2009)
Initial release.
=== Credits ===
Big thanks to Bethesda Softworks.
=== Licensing/Legal ===
You can use and release this in your own Oblivion mods. Simply copy credits above in your readme, and no need to ask me.
Underworld Armor

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Name: Underworld Armor
Version: 1.0
Category: Weapons And Armour
Author: zertualpro
=== Description ===
This mod adds three Underworld sets from the film of the same name.
=== Location ===
You can buy in shop - A Fighting Chance in Imperial City.
=== Install ===
Extract the archive into your Oblivion\Data folder and check the 'Underworld Armor.esp' in the launcher.
=== Incompatibility ===
=== Known Issues or Bugs ===
=== History ===
v1.0 - (07/12/2009)
Initial release.
=== Credits ===
Big thanks to Bethesda Softworks.
=== Licensing/Legal ===
You can use and release this in your own Oblivion mods. Simply copy credits above in your readme, and no need to ask me.