Lot of our diagnosis are based on this xray screening.
Defects of Bones, intestine, kidney, lungs, etc are screened by using this special black and white image.
yes, it is black and white but in the depth of these two colour lies the immense knowledge of anatomy.
“The eyes sees what the minds knows” compleately fits for xrays.
now lets know what exactly xrays are-

what are x rays?
Xray is is type of electromagnetic ray.
there are many types of rays coming under
electromagnetic spectrum. eg(visible rays).

depending upon their frequency and wavelengths they are been classifies and the visible rays lies in between this spectrum.
the rays of wavelength- 10^-11 to 10^-8 λ are called xrays.
xrays were incidentally discovered by a German physician doing some experiment in 1895. His name was Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.

Actually he was doing some experiment on electricity and flow of current in space and accidently discovered some rays florescent in nature getting emitted from the apparatus, he even put a black film to stop those rays but those unknown rays were getting penetrated from the black film as well. Roentgen named those rays unknown waves/ rays or X-Rays.
He was awarded world’s first Nobal price in physics in 1901.
how xray is formed?
So in a xray production apparatus these the the components
components required to produce xrays-
- high voltage current 1K to 5K V
- cathode- tungsten filament
- copper anode- tungsten/molybdenum plate
- vacuum
- cooling system
Densities of xray?
Now coming to the densities, by density we mean weightage/ degree of contrast.
And the densities are represented by the different shares of gray on the xray.
depending upon the degree of absorbtion of xrays through the body there are three densities formed by xrays.
- gray
- white
- black
And as there are different shades of gray that appear on the xray, it represents different body structures. Different densities gives us information of different body organs/body parts. In general we should know that
white colour part on xray are bones,
and black coloration is of air.
and in between that, that is gray, the soft tissue is there.
we should know the body parts, their normal anatomy, their possible abnormalities.
and we should develop strong imagination power to relate those structures to xray film image(as its all in black , white and colour in between)
depending on the density we will relate body structure.
what to find in a x-ray?
We have to find abnormalities in the xray to diagnose, and to do that we have to relate it with normal anatomy first. And for that we have to study and see lots of normal xrays to do that concept clear as its all about imagination.
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Very well explained.. all doubts clear. I have even watched your youtube videos and you explain things very well. Even if the person is at zero level he/She will be able to grasp things quickly because of the way you explain things.
Allah bless you ❤️