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Buford’s History
Page Out of History
Graduation 1935
Since we are now celebrating the Class of 2016, we thought it would be appropriate to write about past graduations and the events surrounding this
Two Champions in Buford, September 1955
A friend visited the Museum this week, and I felt I should share the story he told about his mother. Many of us remember hearing
Fifty-Nine Pupils Take Half-Holiday
One of the highest tributes that can be paid to a pupil is that of being recognized as perfect in attendance at school as well
Two New Parade Saddles for Museum’s Collection
TWO…TWO…I need to say it twice to let it sink in. TWO…Ok, maybe three times. The Museum was recently contacted by Jan Kay, a resident
Our Beginnings
In the 1860s there were few permanent inhabitants of the area now occupied by Buford. Silas King and his family lived in what is now
What our visitors are saying about their experience
The community center is so beautiful and what a nice surprise to find the Museum of Buford housed there as well.
I have lived in Buford for 10 years now, and had no idea of Buford’s connection to leather. My first trip to the Museum will not be my last one. There is so much to learn about our city.
The Museum of Buford is the best kept secret. I did not even know that Buford had a museum. I plan to share the news.
Loved the small tour size (5 people) ! This was one of the main reasons I chose a Museum Pleu Tour.
Get Involved
We want you to be part of our Museum! Come and experience YOUR history first-hand and get involved while sharing with others. We offer several ways to let you engage with others all while maintaining and developing the museum. Students and seniors alike all make contributions here to the Museum and aid with its operation and expansion. See how you too can plug into the history of Buford.

The Museum Of Buford has a variety books and research sources that are available to buy or read at the museum. We also are always looking for private collections or monetary donations. Click below to see how you can support the museum.

Since COVID, the Museum desperately needs Volunteers to help staff the Museum to expand our hours of operation. We also need individuals and/or companies with specific talents to aid us in organizing, sorting, cataloging and conserving the collection, scanning images and text, converting media to digital formats, librarian services, and creating new and engaging displays. If you feel that you could help with these or other aspects of the daily operation of the Museum, please contact us at 770-945-4559.

The Museum Of Buford has a variety books and research sources that are available to buy or read at the museum.