As most of you know by now, Boden introduced a sale on selected items this week, at 20% off. Some of the items in the sale are wonderful, but if you are like me, you are still coming down from the high of getting some *gorgeous* fall/winter clearance items for super super low amounts (I am still amazed that I received the jewelled collar sweater in nude in perfect condition for just under $30). Anyhow, there is still a lot of lovely over there in the sale section, and it may be just the item you are looking for...
I found out from Lou that the 20% off sale items *did* stack with UK promo codes, but when I try to do it with the code U216 (that is a 15% off code), it doesn't stack. They are know what we are up to, lol. It sounds like it may have not worked at all here in the States, because I can guarantee that if it had, one of you all would have told me, since that usually happens when something awesome related to Boden and their prices comes up. ;-) So yay for the UK, but (small) sad face for us here in the US.
Fear not, there is something delicious down the pike for next week, in the form of a diminishing discount starting on Monday, so be on the lookout for that very soon. Can't stack on that, for sure, but there will be a lot more on sale next week. It would be exceptionally awesome if Boden decided to keep the 20% off items from this week's sale at 20% off, and then with the diminishing discount we could get the additional 20% off, but chances of that happening are probably slim.
Before we start, I wanted to give a big huge congratulations to one of my blog friends, Lizzy, who won a modelling competition over in the UK for the company Fever. Yay, that is very exciting! Pop on over to her blog and give her a cheer!
Regular Boden:
Button Back Sweater. Size 6. Right choice for my frame and height. It does run a touch shorter than some of my Boden knitwear, so bear that in mind if you are taller in your torso. If I had purchased the 4 it would have been too small, and the buttons in the back would not have laid flat.
Side View. The length on the sleeves is 3/4...which is okay but I look forward to a time when designers go back to full length sleeves, since between Boden and J. Crew, I have a ridiculous amount of 3/4 sleeved sweaters. (And because I have long monkey arms, they are more like 2/3 sleeves.)
Back View. The print is so beautiful, the mix of coral and mint and taupe is visually stunning, especially in real life. These buttons were fine, but that mid-point one is bowing up like that because of my shorter back length, combined with an ample rear end. This always happens to me, so I have just accepted it and moved
Most winters here in VA I wear this particular outfit combo a lot, a wool jacket, lighter sweater, pants, and shoes. This winter of *suck* I have not had many opportunities, so I was THRILLED yesterday when the temps stayed in the 50s so I could wear my favorite combo. (The Bella jacket made me so happy...I definitely have missed wearing them this year. Be aware now that the temps are rising you may be seeing all of mine in a parade of outfits over the next month or so.)
Button Back Sweater. (Use the link in the name as the affiliate program has no direct link yet.) The stocks look healthy in this shade, but I am glad I bought it now since it is so cheery, and since normally* our area has fairly mild winters, I can usually wear thinner cotton sweaters now instead of in the spring. (In fact by early May, this sweater will have to be put away as it will be too warm to wear it, at least in my life. Office folks with the blasting AC will probably not need to put it away.) Other shades are selling well, though, so grab it sooner than later if you see your favorite shade is selling well.
*Not this winter, though. Dang blasted cold that has sat upon us like an angry viper protecting a brood of baby viper eggs. Okay, and with that, I will shut up about the weather already.

Penny Loafers. I wore these in navy with last year's LouLou dress here at this post.

Skinny Jeans and Pretty Pendant. (Use link in name for skinny jeans as the affiliate program has no link for those.) See lovely Liz in an ensemble featuring these pieces (plus a cute pair of boots from last fall) here at this post.

Jersey Maxi Dress, Easy T-Shirt Dress, Full Stripy Skirt, Essential Crew T-Shirt, and Modern Stripy Top. Fiona from Avenue 57 shows off a lovely assortment of striped items from Boden. (Her very first order, btw!)

Cotswold Weekend Top. Anna, a blog friend, has a plea for you all: Hi ladies, I was wondering if any of you tried the Cotswold Weekend Top - I can't decide between getting the cream or the blue and would love to hear what they are like in real life. If you have tried this top, would you mind letting us know? Thank you in advance!
Clearance Boden:

Heritage Sweater. Wore my hummingbird version with crazy printed pants here at this post.
Chic Ankle Boots. (Use the link in the name as the affiliate program has no direct link to these.) Lou has a fairly in-depth review of these adorable shoes here.

Cashmere Crew Neck Sweater. Lou received hers from the big clearance sale and it looks just right on her. :-)
Okay, that's it for today. I hope that your weekend goes well. If anyone was able to stack the codes at the Boden USA site, do tell!
20% Off Select Styles + 10% Off Everything Else plus Free Shipping & Returns