Weaning with HiPP Organic – introducing textured food to your baby

Weaning with HiPP Organic – introducing textured food to your baby

*collaborative post*

Introducing lumps and more textured food to your baby’s diet can be pretty scary. I know with both of my boys I got really stressed about them choking as they progressed from their first tastes of puree onto more lumpy meals. I have always used a mixture of homemade and shop bought baby food when weaning my babies. As they transition from smooth to more textured food, I like to buy jars before making their food myself, it helps to give me an idea of what sort of consistency their food should be for this stage of weaning. Recently Alex was sent a selection of stage 2 and stage 3 jars from HiPP Organic to try out, these meals are perfect for introducing lumps into your babies diet and helping them figure out how to chew food properly. Here is a review of what Alex thought of the HiPP Organic range and some useful tips on how to successfully introduce more variety and texture in to your baby’s diet.

Weaning with HiPP Organic – stage 2 and stage 3 jars review


Alex was sent 7 different jars to try and, I am not exaggerating, he LOVED them all. Alex isn’t that keen on being spoon fed but when I put his food down on his high chair tray he immediately shovelled it into his mouth. Clearly, the food tasted great, was easy to chew and looked appetising too as Alex is not against chucking food he doesn’t like the look of on to the floor before he’s even tried it.

The jars Alex received:
Mashed potato with beef
Green vegetables with cous cous and turkey 
Potatoes, tomato and chicken
Wholemeal spaghetti with vegetables
Pasta bake with fish 
Cheesy spinach tagliatelle
Risotto with turkey and vegetables

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Fish pasta bake – chunky texture

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Enjoying his food 🙂

The jars themselves have a new and improved design. The neck of the glass jar is wider making it much easier to get to every bit of the food, even the bits right at the bottom, meaning your hungry baby doesn’t miss out on any. The jars are also 100% recyclable but can be used around the home for lots of difference purposes after a good clean too. I have been using Alex’s empty glass jars to store my pens on my desk, as a place to save all our loose change and keep all the kids cutlery in. You could also use them as a craft activity with older children, letting them glue and stick glitter on them or cover them in stickers. The wide neck also makes the jars a cute little place to store wild flowers your kids have collected on your outdoor adventures and they are even big enough to use as a tea light holder, if you like lighting candles in the evening. That’s enough about the jars though, let’s talk about the food inside them!

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A great way to repurpose your empty jars

I really like the variety of vegetables in these jars and that they include foods like risotto and cous cous, things I wouldn’t normally cook myself. Alex definitely loved the cheesy spinach pasta the best, this had lumps of pasta in it to add more texture but they were soft and very easy to chew. The mashed potato and beef was a bit smoother and probably a better option for a baby just getting used to a more thicker consistency. The wholemeal spaghetti was very textured with small pieces of spaghetti pasta and small chunks of vegetables. We can not always afford to buy fresh  organic vegetables ourselves and that is why I like adding HiPP Organic baby food into Alex’s diet, all their meals are made with the finest organic ingredients. Sometimes, shop bought baby food can have hidden fruits to make them taste sweeter and more appealing to little ones; this is a good way to get your baby to eat something new but it will probably hinder your weaning efforts later on down the line. If your little one is used to parnsips tasting a little bit like apple then they are more likely to turn their nose up when you just try and give them a parsnip, right? The new jars from HiPP Organic have no hidden fruit, they are just exactly what the label says they are and Alex was happy to gobble them up without them tasting fruity. Also, to make sure all the veggies keep their natural goodness, HiPP Organic steam rather than boil them before adding them into their jars.

hipp organic weaning

Looking for more

To see just how much Alex loved being a tasting expert (!) for HiPP Organic, I have made this short video of him tucking into his food. The video shows the texture of most of the different meals and, as you will see, Alex enjoyed eating all of them. Just in case you were wondering, some of this video was filmed while Alex had chicken pox (even being poorly didn’t stop him demolishing his food!). Spoiler alert: it gets a bit messy!

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All gone!

Tips for introducing lumps and texture to your baby’s diet

As I said earlier, moving on from puree to more textured food can be a bit of a scary and confusing process. If you are not sure where, when or how to start the next stage of weaning then don’t panic. HiPP Organic have put together this really useful infographic, full of tips and advice on all the stages of weaning, including how to get your baby started on more textured foods. Have a read and put your mind at rest and, remember this, no adult goes around only eating banana puree so you will get there!

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If you fancy giving the HiPP Organic jars a go with your own weaning baby then I have a lovely little gift for you. HiPP Organic have kindly provided my readers with an exclusive discount voucher, all you need to do is follow this link , print your voucher off and next time you are buying baby food in the shop use it at the check out to receive money off your HiPP Organic jars.

Alex really enjoyed trying out the new HiPP Organic savoury jar range and I would definitely recommend them if you are starting to introduce more texture and variety to your baby’s diet. If you want more advice and weaning tips then head on over to the HiPP Organic website.


Is your baby weaning? How are you both finding the experience? Have you tried the new HiPP Organic jars out yet? I would love for you to share your top weaning tip in the comments.

Disclaimer: Alex and I are part of the HiPP Moments team. We were sent this selection of jars free of charge in return for this honest review. All words and opinions are my own.

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how to introduce textured food to your weaning baby's diet #weaning #babyfood





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  1. November 15, 2017 / 8:53 am

    Thank you for this post. My little one is 6 months old and we started weaning at 5 months. I’ve been wondering when and how to introduce lumpier foods and I’m slightly worried that she may choke. Alex looks like he really enjoyed his new foods and the idea of reusing the jar to store baby’s spoons etc is great 🙂 #bloggersbest
    Amy – The Rolling Baby recently posted…On my due date I….My Profile

  2. November 16, 2017 / 12:43 pm

    Aww it is such an exciting milestone! My daughter is 5 months, so in a month time we’ll be starting this journey and I can’t wait 🙂 #coolmumclub
    Helen recently posted…FOR HIM: Christmas Gift Guide 2017My Profile

  3. November 21, 2017 / 8:21 pm

    I’ve done baby led weaning with mine but for some reason, third time round, I’m much less gung-ho & much more jittery about the whole choking thing. I don’t know why – you’d think I’d be more relaxed! #bloggersbest
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