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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 22-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Area labeled ‘E’ (Cerebellum, posterior lobe) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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-A apmriry omrto xctero = rgnow iesd fo ydbo eiticd(f fo UMN no ltef dies bd)oy

B - ahlumaTs = nsseory irfniomnoat coiudtn - mtroo secifdit eliuynkl to initreoag mfro rehe

C - sonP - sCN 7,5,8,,6 lyielk ulster in "lkdeoc ni nd"yemsro ro peemtcol ssol of otrmo iutncfno on tgrih iesd + acfail .teerfuas

.D simVre - crltnea ydob otoncniraodi. meDaga sseultr in axtaia

toN omcelpet but bamye .uefllph.

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yotsubato  C - Pnos - NCs ,87,6,,5 ylklei rutesl in lce"dok in mesrod"yn ro loeepmct sols fo tomro nnucfoit on LFTE dsei + RGIHT seddi failca r.easeutf onisescaDtu cscrou ni muedlla +2
kard  Syorr fi mi n,eakmits Itsn )A ter?saooSmnyso +3
krewfoo99  sYe i hintk A uhsdlo be otnaoomsrse.ys Pirmary morot ecxotr uodlw eb rseetnp in teh lrcpreaent sgyur +
drpatinoire  A si arirmpy t.omor A adn teh guysr ta igthr ised fo A mscoope the aerranapltc bu.olle +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by atstillisafraud(217)
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Dmyaetirs ( asol, dkaysdidioeasni dan tnnnotiie rortem) is etlraal rleebc.umle .E()

tiaaAx is a lmepbor hitw the ectnlra bceeuelrml D)( ro at alets shtat hte tseb I odluc meco up hiwt.

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ronald-dumsfeld  I clatalyu tkhni D is inoignpt ta teh cloouadluFncrlo lb.oe eSe hree: a/isi(im_GdediP_d#t.bF:uelatespwudo.cbln_:eatnwai_cima//i/ilou/kpiratrF)mHrlw/npai.elighgietclvJkoeesre_cinsroS a slonie ta D lduwo reestnp iwht tasmgsNuy +3
urachus  uoaoocdlfllcnru si eidaml rlc.tnea() tub eys ll'it veha sunsytgam nad aurtcnl iaaxta +
faus305  isoLens of hte retllaa noirgse rac(lbelere sp)rhehemei fo het ceelumlebr faetfc het tealalr obyd ,rtdemy(sia llfa rdtowa idrjneu .Lds n)eseiios of eth iamedl igorne e,s(rmvi aoudoourcnlfll ol)eb escau lmdeai u)tr(acln amixeOeivp saltafrid.i btu seeht surel ephl me snawre msto oqsusntie uoabt the lrleee.cbum +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by m-ice(370)
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yieDmrsta is het lcak of aooocidinrtn fo dnedteni sme.nmtveo roaNllmy teshe menosemtv rea odeioarctnd by hte c.bmlreeelu hTsi is deoclat iyilcscapfel on het nm'as hritg sdi,e nto othb ids,se os nyol eno bloe will be ur.deijn

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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tieaDysmr = ntcsndiriiodoao of dlnen,pa vtynuarlo smeemtonv (my now sdorw rof teh frfdeteni fsinnidg nad euds cllpsfyicaei to hlep em rbmeerem oa)nciolt celtlodrno yb het sroeoirtp beol of eht eeemhirshp hiwch sdoe dnenalp rntayouvl .nemotvme olAs, teh msihpeheer si eth ehiprerpy of eht lcrbeeelum, nad it eldas htiw ndaenp,l ayonlutrv tsnmvmeoe of teh pirheeyrp ..ei( m).blis I tog hsit omfr sith egaim hiwt emmyro s:tip os/lmue/emeh/lm4eh0ceos3-it.nsctw.demwnccomb0mweiw/1pmrt/l:.2o.

rehOt puehllf slni:k

  1. tPryte dlteaeid oantym:a M/_ialm_ti/.ewowrr0gcpt3hmwosp//ag/otkn0h-m.2:bmei.fdded_

  2. rItnvietaec tise lla tboau hte elcumbeelr (/rsh/,) tbu teh ostm uflpelh tcieurp ofr me saw shti one (ma.t-knetc/yr/o_egdtE_nghi/hpc:Nccjmau.oird./ggisipe3mamms5sser3/uh_e/ues/.btnptae/W)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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lLo i uohthgt arautm ulwod ith mero uflscriapie ttreusucr tahn e.ped. hhaa

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cassdawg  eraLltyli how I srewnaed itsh oineqtsu scaue I idt'dn onwk whta sytriaemd saw. Cndnicevo mlyfes fo omse rvesion fo nuupprcc/toooec ttah lowdu jiuner ihst artp fo eth ainrb dna tog ti ghitr orf lla teh ogwrn sa.srnoe iWhs I uclod od thta eomr to.nef +1
faus305  wssa@acdg I ddi the seam ghn,ti .oll Btu I like ot khnit that eped odnw we wekn wath we weer odngi. I enwk teh eecbeullrm swa devivnlo in aacbnel and htat hist ygu hwo jtsu hcsdrea ish otolcmyrec dwuol lpabyobr eb ivahng soem baceanl ssisu.e +1

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