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Admission Open Session Admission Open Session 2025-26

Welcome to New Era Public School

Where learning has a purpose


The New Era Public School striving for excellence with an Indian fragrance is one of the elite schools, our school situated in Village Jorwat at magnificent location, it has a sprawling, pollution-free and an eco-friendly ambiance.

New Era Public School jorwat

General Information

New Era Public School represents a holistic and constructivist approach to education, one that seeks to provide equal educational and developmental opportunities to all. We are committed to providing an environment where every child can grow, learn and develop strong character and principles to ensure success in the future.

New Era Public School seeks to empower all students with creativity, achievement, and development, through holistic and humane education. Our motto ‘Tomaso Ma Jyotirgamaya, emboldens our students to move from darkness toward enlightenment, away from prejudice to justice, from violence to peace, from hatred to compassion.

Director New Era Public School jorwat khiri

Director Des'k

Dear Student and Parent New Era Public School welcomes you and fells proud to have you important members of the New Era Family. We are proud of our students, their parents and our institutions. Our goal is t create the students as responsible citizens with high moral values, necessary knowledge and skills so that they can become productive members of the society...

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Principal New Era Public School jorwat khiri

Principal Des'k

Dear Parents, Greeting from the New Era Public School Family. We, at New Era Public School seek to achieve excellence in all our pursuits. Bearing in mind the need to maintain individual’s identity, each and every child under our care in helped to develop to his/her blessed potential without constraining his/her inherent abilities.

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The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.


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