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Breakfast Wednesday, 4 December, 2002, 05:57 GMT
Robson Green live on Breakfast
Robson Green on the BBC's Parkinson chat show
Robson Green will be live on Breakfast at 8.40am this morning

Robson Green first came to prominence playing the character of hospital porter Jimmy in the BBC drama Casualty.

From Casualty he went on to the ITV drama Soldier Soldier where he forged a friendship with co-star Jerome Flyn. But their careers were about to take a new direction

One episode of Soldier Soldier saw the pair sing together in an army talent show.

Record shops were flooded with enquiries about the song and that led to Robson and Jerome launching a career as singers and their cover version of the Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody made it to number one in the charts in 1995.

The duo's success led to Music Week Awards in 1996 for best single and best album. By then Robson and Jerome had sold more than 1.9 million copies of the double a-sided Unchained Melody which also featured their version of White Cliffs of Dover.

More television and film roles followed for Robson, including ITV adaptation of a Catherine Cookson novel, The Gambling Man.

In 1997 Robson who was once a boxer, played heart throb Owen Springer in Reckless and this was followed the following year by a special film sequel.
Robson Green plays Barry Grimes
Period drama in The Student Prince

His next venture was a joint one with pal Jerome Flynn when they produced a war time mini-series called Ain't Misbehavin' in which the pair performed in a dance band singing songs such as A Nightingale Sang, The Kiss Polka and the title Ain't Misbehavin'.

Robson played another heart throb role as a body guard in the BBC drama The Student Prince, this time starring with Tara Fitzgerald but he was soon back in the recording studio.

Robson has decided to go it alone and this week sees the launch of his first solo album called Moment in Time.

I couldn't turn down the chance to release another album

Robson Green

It is described as a collection of classic love songs and includes his version of Fool if You Think it's Over and Everlasting Love.

Robson says the new album is a collection of high quality love songs. "All are instantly recognisable classics. They are unashamedly moving cover versions of tracks which we hope will bring back memories."

Robson adds: "Acting has always been my first love, but I couldn't turn down the chance to release another album. I love performing these classic songs and I hope other people enjoy listening to them too.

  • Robson's album Moment in Time is released this week

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