
Many people have an ancestor or collateral relative that resided in Ohio sometime during their lifetime. If you look at the birthplaces of individuals enumerated in the 1850 United States Federal Census, all 31 states and 4 of the 5 territories in existence list individuals that were born in Ohio. There were probably Ohio natives also living in the Unorganized Territory of the Great Plains, but that area was not enumerated.

Did these people leave any records of their time in Ohio? There is a good possibility that there is something recorded about them in state and/or county records. Some individuals left more information than others. Research may have to be performed on other family members, friends, and acquaintances to locate information about your individual of interest.

Fortunately, Ohio and its 88 counties have a large variety of resources available to research.


Yolanda Campbell Lifter
1920 Eva Lane
Malabar, FL 32950-3219
[email protected]