Students At Oskaloosa Middle School Learn More About The Careers Around Them
March 3rd, 2023
Oskaloosa, Iowa – Oskaloosa area businesses came together recently to give Oskaloosa Middle School students a chance to ask professionals about their careers and learn a little more about those careers that interest them.
OMS Principal Mark Scholes said the day helped sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students expand beyond the careers students may see and learn about at home. “People talk about whether middle school is too early of an age to let kids be exposed to different careers. I don’t think so. I think that they should be exposed as soon as possible, so they can begin to gain interest, but also maybe rule some things out that don’t interest them.”
The session had approximately 30 different career paths represented, allowing students to also see how the subjects they are studying now impact their work later on.
Scholes added that it also gave students the opportunity to implement their social and soft skills and how those apply in the real world.
Scholes shared that he was happy so many people were willing “to come in and be a part of this.”
One of those professionals there was Chris Roach from Hawkeye Real Estate in Oskaloosa, who shared he was fielding questions about how expensive homes are and what the most expensive home he’s sold.
Roach’s wife, Molly, is a sixth-grade teacher at OMS, so students were already familiar with Roach. That comfort level made it easier to interact.
You can reach out to Roach at 641.660.2259 or email him at [email protected].
Emily Peters is the owner of Neat Method Des Moines and is a graduate of Oskaloosa.
Neat is a luxury home organizing service out of Des Moines but also does extensive work in the Pella and Oskaloosa area. They help with unpacking services such as after a move or remodel and help organize those spaces.
“It is really fun to see all the teachers and people you know from your past,” said Peters.
She also had fun answering questions like how many shoes she’s ever seen or maybe the grossest home.
You can reach Emily at 641.295.1115 or [email protected].
Our very own broadcaster Jamie Brockman from the Indians Network, was happy to talk about broadcasting.
There was representation from large manufacturers like Vermeer and Musco. Professionals from the health industry at Mahaska Health, or maybe be a stunt pilot? They were there to answer questions.