This necklace is easy to make once you get to learn how to connect the beads with “Rosary Loops” – notice how rosaries beads are connected in this manner. First of all, is a quick “how to” on rosary loops. The paper beads used in this project is bigger and more rounded, and even if they have bigger holes it will not go through the loops. You can use other type of beads of course but since I am the “paper bead lady” I try to make everything in paper beads. I loved the balloon pendant, the colors just cheers me up, I thought it’s just perfect for these paper beads. So, one of those days when you feel like taking off but can’t, I wear my paper bead balloon necklace instead and dream of those far away places…..
- Paper Bead Balloon Necklace
Of course you can substitute everything, use other kind of beads and pendant. What I’m going to show you is just basics of rosary loops that can be applied into making bracelets and necklaces.
Here’s an example of a bracelet made with rosary loops. I used the same size beads and amazonite beads left over from previous projects.
- Paper Bead Bracelet and amazonite
Materials are:
- Tools: flush cutter, round nose pliers and chain nose pliers
- paper beads or other type beads
- 30 pcs. 1″ inch head pins
- jump rings and lobster claw clasp
- Paper beads and eye pins
- Tools
Here’s the Steps:
(read on for photo tutorial, or scroll to the bottom of the page for a video tutorial!)
Step 1 – Put a bead into the head pin.
Step 2 – Cut the head pin to about 1 cm
Step 3 – Bend the head pin at 90 degree angle away from you.
Step 4 – Take the round nose pliers and put the head pin in between the round nose pliers. Make sure that the tip of the head pin is not sticking out of the round nose pliers but right in between the jaws of the round nose pliers.
Step 5 – Slowly turn the round nose pliers towards you with your wrist until you cannot turn it anymore which at this point you need to let go and reposition the pliers
This is how your loop should look like.
Step 6- Before you close the loop attach the rest of the beads already made and continue to close the loop.
This is a finished portion of the chain interconnected with rosary loops. You continue doing so until you reach your desired length.
Can you tell me what is the measurement you use to make the triangles used for these rounded rosary beads.We are hoping to start a livelihood project for poor families here in Indo and would appreciate the help. Thanks!
Thank you for showing how to do this. My girls and I just started making some today. We weren’t quite sure were to go from here and this is a great idea. Thanks so much for all the great tutorials.
BTW we came over here from Infarrantly Creative.
Thanks for showing us how to make those loops. They can be tricky if you don’t know what you are doing.