Erin Darke

Erin Darke net worth Mar, 2025

Erin Darke (born September 10, 1984) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Cindy Reston in the TV series Good Girls Revolt. She also played Mary in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Leeta in the AMC series Dietland. She has appeared in the films Love & Mercy (2014), Beside Still Waters (2014), Still Alice (2014), and Don't Think Twice (2016).

Erin Darke net worth

12.6 Million
Millions of dollars
Net worth score
Erin Darke Networth
Erin Darke Networth 2025 12.6 Million
Erin Darke Networth 2024 11.3 Million
Erin Darke Networth 2023 10.1 Million
Erin Darke Networth 2022 8.82 Million
Erin Darke Networth 2021 7.56 Million

Disclamer: Erin Darke net worth displayed here are calculated based on a combination social factors. Please only use it for a guidance and Erin Darke's actual income may vary a lot from the dollar amount shown above.

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Erin Darke FAQs

How about Erin Darke's partner?

Erin Darke Partner: Daniel Radcliffe (2012present)

Does Erin Darke have any children? What are the names of Erin Darke's children? What are the ages of Erin Darke's children?

Erin Darke Children: 1

How old is Erin Darke? When is Erin Darke's birthday? Where is Erin Darke born? Where did Erin Darke grow up from? What's Erin Darke's age?

Erin Darke Born: 1984 (age 39years), Flint, MI

How tall is Erin Darke in meters or centimeters?

Erin Darke Height: 5 7

How about Erin Darke's parents?

Erin Darke Parents: Ian Darke, Kristina Strand

Did Daniel Radcliffe ever marry?
However later it was clarified by the representatives of Radcliffe that he and Erin are not a married couple. The couple has been together for over ten years, welcoming their first child in April 2023. In the earlier interviews, the 34-year-old actor has spoken about the incredible experience of fatherhood.
Did Daniel Radcliffe have a baby?
The actor welcomed his son with girlfriend Erin Darke in April. Daniel Radcliffe is loving life as a dad. The 34-year-old actor appeared on Today With Hoda and Jenna to discuss the first six months of life with his and girlfriend Erin Darke's son. "It's awesome.
Where did Erin Darke go to college?
At the age of 16, Darke enrolled in the University of Michigan-Flint, where in 2005 she earned a bachelor's degree of fine arts in theater performance. As Darke told her alma mater, "[The teachers at the school] were patient and kind, but also constantly pushed me to challenge myself, explore, and work hard.

Erin Darke facts

Erin Darke Facts
Partner Daniel Radcliffe (2012present)
Children 1
Born 1984 (age 39years), Flint, MI
Height 5 7
Parents Ian Darke, Kristina Strand

Erin Darke Twitter net worth

Erin Darke Instagram net worth

How much money is Erin Darke making on Instagram?

Many people ask about the amount of money Erin Darke makes from Instagram. Normally the ad cost for an Instagram ad post is based on the number of followers on the account.

  • • $25 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $35 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $50 per post at $10/CPM
  • • $50 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $70 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $100 per post at $10/CPM
  • • $100 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $140 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $200 per post at $10/CPM
Disclamer: the number about Erin Darke's Instagram salary income and Erin Darke's Instagram net worth are just estimation based on publicly available information about Instagram's monetization programs, it is by no means accurate.

Erin Darke Facebook net worth

How much money is Erin Darke making on Facebook?

Many people ask this question about the money Erin Darke makes from Facebook. It's actually a myth about how to make money on Facebook...

Disclamer: the amount of Erin Darke's Facebook salary income and Erin Darke's Facebook net worth are just estimation based on publicly available information about Facebook's monetization programs, it is by no means accurate.

Erin Darke net worth chart

Disclamer: Erin Darke net worth are calculated by comparing Erin Darke's influence on Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with anybody else in the world. Generally speaking, the bigger the hexagon is, the more valuable Erin Darke networth should be on the internet!