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Motorcycle helmet PNG image, moto helmet
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Keywords: Motorcycle helmet PNG image, moto helmet size: 1979x2097px, Motorcycle helmets PNG images, PNG image: Motorcycle helmet PNG image, moto helmet, free PNG image, Motorcycle helmets
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Motorcycle helmets

A motorcycle helmet is a type of helmet used by motorcycle riders. Motorcycle helmets contribute to motorcycle safety by protecting the rider's head in the event of an impact. They reduce the risk of head injury by 69% and the risk of death by 42%. Their use is required by law in many countries.

Motorcycle helmets consist of a polystyrene foam inner shell that absorbs the shock of an impact, and a protective plastic outer layer. Several variations exist, notably helmets that cover the chin area and helmets that do not. Some helmets provide additional conveniences, such as ventilation, face shields, sun visors, ear protection or intercom.

A 2008 systematic study showed that helmets reduce the risk of head injury by around 69% and the risk of death by around 42%.

Although it was once speculated that wearing a motorcycle helmet increased neck and spinal injuries in a crash, recent evidence has shown the opposite to be the case: helmets protect against cervical spine injury. A study that is often cited when advancing the argument that helmets might increase the incidence of neck and spinal injuries dates back to the mid-1980s and "used flawed statistical reasoning".

There are five basic types of helmets intended for motorcycling, and others not intended for motorcycling but which are used by some riders. All of these types of helmets are secured by a chin strap, and their protective benefits are greatly reduced, if not eliminated, if the chin strap is not securely fastened so as to maintain a snug fit.

In this gallery you can download free PNG images: Motorcycle helmets PNG images free download, moto helmet PNG