Some Mood

The kids at the park light a kite on fire and watch it lift into the sky
Adam Clay
from the book Circle Back / Milkweed

In our series Language as Form, we’ve invited poets to write about poetic language as patterned language—how words as sound, voice, sentence, and song become elements of form.

Ken Bluford on "COVID Roadshow"
Photo: Ken Bluford
Rachel Tanaka
Anger left through a skylight I believed was a rejection of form.
Ken Bluford
Together, no skylarks or nightingales But chickens circling through Google Chrome
Sarah Pape
Inside you, the field's horizon is infinite.
Jahan Khajavi
When we are dancing we like to flip-flop between Rogers & Astaire in this room. When playing exorcist we take turns being the cross & Linda Blair in this room.
Mamie Morgan
I’m seventeen & have been  a waitress for one thousand years.  

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