Figure 3. Picture 1 and 2: The perpetual cleansing affects the new growing cell damaged. For that, frequent cleansing (wetting and rubbing) of the wound bed should be avoided. The damaged cells in Picture 2 need to grow and regrowing again that need more energy, time, and cost. Picture 3: The settled coffee is the coffee layer maintained (not changed coffee) at the wound bed to protect the new growth cells. The more often the wound surface is affected by trauma, the healing should be slower than without injury


Vulnerable Wound-base Cells Protected by Coffee Powder to Better Healing

Herry Garna, Hendro Sudjono Yuwono, Maya Tejasari

American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(9), 214-216 doi:10.12691/ajmcr-7-9-8