摘要: |
胶州湾底栖生物组成复杂,数量丰富,其中有些种为捕捞对象,如菲律宾蛤仔等开发潜力很大,有些种为鱼、虾类天然饵料,如多毛类的长吻沙蚕、索沙蚕,软体动物的金星碟铰蛤等。底栖生物对渔业资源的补充和开发利用以及增、养殖和海洋生态学的研究都具有重要意义。早在30年代,张玺教授等(1936)就对胶州湾的底栖生物进行了系统的研究。解放后,中国科学院海洋研究所在胶州湾进行了大量的调査研究(E.Φ.古丽娅诺娃、吴宝铃,1963),特别是刘瑞玉教授领导的底栖生物组在1980-1990年对胶州湾进行了长期的、连续的调査,积累了许多宝贵的资料,发表了很多文章(刘瑞玉等,1992a;刘瑞玉等,1992b;孙滨等,1992;孙道元,1990;吴耀泉等,1992),基本掌握了胶州湾底栖生物的全貌。作者自1991年5月至1994年2月在原来调查的基础上,在胶州湾6个不同底栖生物群落的分布区范围内设立了10个底栖生物监测取样站(图5),进行了3年调査。每年分春(5月)、夏(8月)、秋(11月)、冬(2月)四季在各站以取样面积为0.1㎡的表层采泥器取样2次,对胶州湾底梄生物的种类组成、数量变化及群落结构进行了研究。 |
关键词: 胶州湾、底栖生物 |
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基金项目:中国科学院海洋研究所调查研究报告第2593号 |
Sun Daoyuan, Zhang Baolin, Wu Yaoquan
Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
This paper presents results of study on the species composition, distribution of biomass, density and communities of the macrobenthic infauna in Jiaozhou Bay using materials collected during May 1991-february 1994 at 10 stations.
200 species of macrobenthos were collected: Polychaeta 78 species; Crustacea 57 species; Mollusca 40 species; Echinodermata 11 species; and 14 other species. The average total biomass was 71.9g/㎡. The biomass of Polychaeta, Crustacea, Mollusca and Echinodermata were respectively 5.4 g/㎡, 2.9 g/㎡, 44.9 g/㎡ and 12.4 g/㎡. The average total density was 132.0 ind/㎡. The density of Polychaeta, Crustacea,Mollusca and Echinodermata were respectively 46.8 ind/㎡, 27.5 ind/㎡, 33.1 ind/㎡ and 6.3 ind /㎡. The biomass maximum (131.4 g/㎡ ) occured in spring, the minimum (33.8g/㎡ ) in winter. The biomass in autumn and summer was 72.1 g/㎡ and 42.1 g/㎡ respectively. The highest (148.6 ind/㎡) density occurred in summer, the lowest(86 ind /㎡) in autumn. The density in winter and spring was 136.2 ind/㎡ and 130.8 ind /㎡ respectively. |
Key words: Jiaozhou Bay,MACROBENTHIC INFAUNA |