Passionate about people, causes and ideas that make positive impacts: creative producing, impactful consulting, supportive facilitating.
We care about activities and campaigns across arts and culture, STEM, charitable, voluntary and public sectors. We want to make a difference.
supportive faciliating
We offer support through facilitation - be that hosting networks; chairing or moderating conferences and events; running staff and board away days; or as part of a longer-term change process. Find out more about how we can help.
impactful consulting
Whether leading as a consultant or working in partnership with one of my Associates , we have supported large and small organisations with bespoke services. Find out how we have helped others.
creative producing
As a creative producer I go beyond project managing and admin. I curate, shape and create events, ensuring the smooth running and welfare of everyone involved. Read about some of our latest projects.
“Her knowledge of fundraising and bid-writing is incredible, and she has supported museums across the North West to access large amounts from major funders of the museum sector.”
Alex Bird, Museum Development North West
“…inventive, thorough and sees projects through from conception and planning, to delivery and evaluation. Her expertise and experience in events and public engagement is second to none and her project management exceptional.”
Liz Ellis, Event Production Specialist
current and previous clients
Arts Council of Wales
Arts Council England
Artworks Cymru
BBC Connected Studio/ OrchestRate
Bristol Circus Forum
British Council Wales
Caroline Sabin
Chester Mystery Plays
Circomedia and CYN
Cirque Bijou
Clwb Ifor Bach
Crafts Council
Creative Civic Change
Creu Cymru
Deborah Light
Dance Shorts
gentle / radical
Hijinx Theatre
Hull Philharmonic
Jazz North
Karol Cysewski
Leeway Productions
Light, Ladd & Emberton
Jodrell Bank
Lucid Theatre Co
Making Music
Manchester Art Gallery
Manchester City Council
Manchester Histories Festival
Manchester International Festival
Manchester Jazz Festival
Manchester Science Festival
Micah Purnell
National Dance Company Wales
National Theatre Wales
Natural Resources Wales
National Museums Liverpool
NW Music Hubs
Rivca Rubin
Royal Museums Greenwich
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
South East Wales Orchestral Consortium
Sound Sense
Taliesin Arts Centre
The Bridgewater Hall
The British Academy
The Artists’ Fund
Theatre Bristol
UK Antarctic Heritage Trust
University of South Wales
Visit Cardiff
Volcano Theatre
Voluntary Arts
Wales Millennium Centre