“What is Haiku?”
Well, I’m glad you asked!
Actually, I have had quite a few people ask me that very question since I decided to teach about it in my latest Creative Writing class at our Homeschool Co-op.
Merriam-Webster defines Haiku as “noun: a verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also : a poem written in this form.“
Basically to write Haiku you think of what you want to say and say it in 3 lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables.
For example, here is one I’m just coming up with right now.
To write a Hai-ku
You must count each syll-a-ble
And ex-press your thoughts.
Helping me teach Haiku this week was my friend and fellow Tribe Writer, Sylvia Jones.
Sylvia posts a Haiku on her blog The Haiku Corner every Sunday.
I am always amazed at how much emotion Sylvia can get across in such few words. I am excited to hear that Sylvia is currently working on partnering with some artists in her area to sell her Haiku online. She is also planning to eventually compile her Haiku into a book along with some of her photography.
In my classes after reading some of the examples of Haiku from Sylvia’s blog, we tried our hands at writing our own Haiku.
Here are some we came up with:
This first haiku is by Shannon from my older class.
A pen and black ink,
writing expressions smoothly,
while the day goes on.
Shannon has a real knack for Haiku. She even gave me some pointers.
Here is one I wrote in class that just about everyone can relate too.
Computer glaring
Waiting for it to finish
I pick up a pen.
My younger class did really well too.
I helped the younger students keep count of their syllables on my fingers.
This is one my 8 year old, Hannah, wrote:
Basketball is fun
I am wishing I could play
I have a new one.
Haiku is pretty addicting. Once you get started, you find yourself counting on your fingers wondering if what your thinking about will fit into Haiku.
Now it’s your turn.
A challenge for you
Will you write me a Haiku?
Please share in comments.
Alright there’s your challenge, I’m curious what y’all will come up with.
She shimmers like gold
Quivering with excitement
My wife, the new nurse
I once tried haiku
I found I lack haiku skill
No haiku for Chris
I thought you did well.
Please congratulate your wife
About her success.
sweet, as in swEET!
Woke up mad today.
Husband unfaithful in dream.
Just a dream, still mad.
I hate that you’re mad.
Bad dreams are really sorry
Hope you get flowers.
Woke up mad today.
Husband unfaithful in dream.
Just a dream, still mad.
I hate that you’re mad.
Bad dreams are really sorry.
Hope you get flowers.
I love shiny shoes
Sparkly, tall, shorties too
Shoes make happy smiles
I’m glad you like shoes
Sparkles on toes are fun too
So glad it’s summer
Writing helps me see
What is going on with me
Then I share with thee
I am so impressed
You wrote that so cleverly
Thank you for sharing
awake before dawn
in the dark, birds are singing
beckoning the light
Such beautiful words
A good reason to wake up
To hear birds singing
i forgot to say
my haiku was for my WUST
the best team ever
Thank you dear Kathleen
For pointing that out to us
Wake Up Support Team
Glorious 5, 7, 5! Thx, Kathleen!
Nimble, finger fun.
Addicting. Interesting.
Digits count Haiku.
Great post, Anastacia! 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed
Haiku is a lot of fun
Fingers are tired
Swirling thoughts puddle.
Words do not come easily.
Ideas fall flat.
Today’s post floundered.
Sometimes it’s so hard to write
Yet, it pleases Him!
My brain is tired
But your comment entices
Must check out your post.
So informative
I forgot what Haiku was
This could be so fun.
Ok — I need practice. I could totally see myself getting addicted to the syllable counting. 🙂
Yes Haiku is fun
I think I have you all hooked
Counting on fingers
Very cool! I’ve had exposure to the form before but it’s been a long while! Seems productive and I like the fact that encourages the creative thinking.
Haiku works the brain
Have to think how to word things
Without losing count
LOL It’s pretty fun. My husband and I were having fun entertaining the kids by carrying on a conversation all in Haiku yesterday after supper.
I like to write Sonnets!
Really? Love Sonnets.
I like sonnets too
My next class is poetry
May try to write one
Mailbox with two cards
sent with love from grandchildren.
Over miles, we smile.
Such beautiful things
Both grandchildren and letters
Good reason to smile