How to Treat Shin Splints Quickly

The tip as to how to treat shin splints quickly is forefoot running in minimalist shoes, or running barefoot instead of heel striking in cushioned running shoes. This comes from a study that suggests that foot weakness and pronation duration are risk factors for running-related shin splints which in turn is determined by footwear and foot strike.

How Runners Can Treat Shin Splints Quickly

How to Treat Shin Splints Quickly

Noh et al. (2015) found that runners with shin splints were heel strikers and had greater medial and lateral longitudinal arch deformations as compared with healthy runners. The keywords here are ‘deformation’ and ‘ heel strike.

Deformation corresponds to foot weakness, especially weakness of the muscles that minimize angular changes in the arch during running. Heel strike is a problem as well because it prolongs pronation since ground contact time is longer as compared with forefoot running.

How to Relieve Shin Splint Pain
The real shin splints cure for runners seems to be to improve your foot arch strength and land with a forefoot strike.

The researchers found that runners with shin splints had greater angular changes in the lateral and medial longitudinal arch as compared with healthy runners, suggesting that heel strike running may increase relative loads on the arch to amounts that exceed weight-bearing capacity, causing the arch to be less stable.

The runners with shin splints also had greater angular changes in the lateral longitudinal arch during early stance of heel strike running –in this case, prolonged pronation due to long ground contact time of heel strike running is indeed a determining factor for the increase in angular changes of the arch.

To top that off, constant use of cushioned running shoes naturally reduces foot strength, and when the feet are weak, so are the arches, which causes more problems on the leg during running.

  • Experts believe that runners with shin splints are more likely to have decreases in foot supinator strength which would result in greater internal rotation torque of the lower leg during running (Hintermann and Nigg, 1998).
  • This is how heel striking with weak feet exerts massive stress on the lower leg, thereby causing shin splints.

The Take Home Message

The longer you wear cushioned running shoes with supportive features, the more the arch of the foot relies on external support. Foot strength improves in the absence of external support coupled with increases proprioceptive input. As for foot strike modification, a forefoot strike landing reduces the traction forces implicated in shin splints because braking is minimal as compared with heel strike running.

Click here to learn more about why forefoot running is better than heel strike running.

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Hintermann, B., & Nigg, B. M. (1998). Pronation in runners: Implications for injuries. Sports Medicine, 26, 169 – 176

Noh et al. Structural deformation of longitudinal arches during running in soccer players with medial tibial stress syndrome. Euro J Sport Sci, 2015;15(2):173-181.

P.S. Don't forget to check out the Run Forefoot Facebook Page, it's a terrific place to ask questions about forefoot running, barefoot running and injury. I'm always happy to help!


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