Jack Schmidling Productions, Inc.
18016 Church Road ~ Marengo IL 60152
Phone:815 923 0031 ~ Email:[email protected]
The angle of this galaxy, as seen from our location in the Universe, gives it a very striking sense of 3D.
I can only find one reference to it's distance which places it at about 54 million light years. However, the red shift numbers available range from 30 to 130 kps, all of which derive a much closer distance. I would appreciate it if anyone can clarify this for me.
I am also hardpressed to explain the streak through the image. It appears as a typical satellite or airplane but only when seen as the composit of all the images. The top half appears in image number 3 and the bottom half in number 4, 10 minutes later. Tis a mystery to me.
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All film photos taken with the...JSP ASTROCAMERA