Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Local Body Sway Movements for the Identification of People

Yoshio IWAI

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   Vol.E102-D    No.1    pp.165-174
Publication Date: 2019/01/01
Publicized: 2018/10/09
Online ISSN: 1745-1361
DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2018EDP7182
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Image Recognition, Computer Vision
body sway,  identification,  local movements,  soft biometrics,  

Full Text: PDF(1.5MB)

We propose a method for accurately identifying people using temporal and spatial changes in local movements measured from video sequences of body sway. Existing methods identify people using gait features that mainly represent the large swinging of the limbs. The use of gait features introduces a problem in that the identification performance decreases when people stop walking and maintain an upright posture. To extract informative features, our method measures small swings of the body, referred to as body sway. We extract the power spectral density as a feature from local body sway movements by dividing the body into regions. To evaluate the identification performance using our method, we collected three original video datasets of body sway sequences. The first dataset contained a large number of participants in an upright posture. The second dataset included variation over the long term. The third dataset represented body sway in different postures. The results on the datasets confirmed that our method using local movements measured from body sway can extract informative features for identification.

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