Group Based Proportional Fairness Scheduling with Imperfect Channel Quality Indicator in OFDMA Systems

Jae-Wook JUNG
Deok Seong KIM
Dae Gil CHO
Young-Soo KIM

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications   Vol.E94-B    No.2    pp.599-602
Publication Date: 2011/02/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E94.B.599
Print ISSN: 0916-8516
Type of Manuscript: LETTER
Category: Wireless Communication Technologies
CQI report cycle,  proportional fairness scheduling,  

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A modified proportional fairness (PF) scheduling scheme for OFDMA systems with imperfect channel quality indicator is suggested. It is based on user grouping, and in system level simulations, the proposed scheme improves average user throughput considerably when compared to conventional PF scheduling without grouping.