Structure Factor Conversion and Validation



This SF-TOOL can be used 1). to convert various structure factor format, 2). to check the model coordinates against the structure factor data.

How to Run:

  1. Upload your coordinate and structure factor files (or type in a PDBID).
  2. Select which checks and/or utilities you would like to run. Mouse over SF-TOOL Logo for simple instruction.
  3. Press the RUN button to start.

Enter a PDB code (4 characters)      Or upload your files below:   SF-TOOL Logo

  If the Structure Factor File is SHELX (or TNT) format, select data type: Amplitude (F) Intensity (I)

Convert Structure Factor File to Different Format: SF-tool Logo

Automatic (default): Output Format:
Semi-automatic MTZ (or CNS) conversion to mmCIF:     Number of data sets in file
Percentage of reflection data for the free set (not for deposition!)

Check Model against Structure Factors: SF-tool Logo

X-ray data using Refmac   (Electron density maps will be generated with this option)
X-ray data using Phenix (model_vs_data)
X-ray data using Sfcheck
Neutron data using Phenix (model_vs_data)
Neutron and X-ray hybrid data using Phenix (model_vs_data)


Questions, comments, and suggestions should be sent to [email protected].