Before you begin, keep these three things in mind:

A clean environment is necessary for keeping the owner's home clean and keeping your workers healthy.

  • Know EPA laws and regulations for lead containment.
  • Having a plan saves time and liabilities in the end.

Step 1

Creating a plan for dust control before the start of the project for the duration will save time in setting up, and will aid in costing out that portion of the bid.

Step 2

Install floor protection.

Step 3

Install plastic walls as needed.

Step 4

Install zipper doors for access.

Step 5

Install dust filtration fan; keeping a negative airflow in the dust work area is important.

Step 6

Pay attention to personal protection respirators and breathing.

Step 7

Clean up. Make sure contractor plastic bags are sealed and cleaned. Vacuum HEPA filter filtration. Wipe and mop fine dust on floors, walls, and plastic containment using non-scented wipes or rags.

Step 8

Remove plastic walls and floor protection.

Tips and tricks

  • You can save time using telescoping poles that sandwich plastic in position from floor to ceiling. Also, you can use a filtration fan to keep fresh air coming into the contained area. Keeping dust down and air fresh reduces or eliminates costly dust clean-up in the rest of the home.
  • Invest in all the tools and materials so you're fully prepared for setup.
  • Create a system that can change for each unique project. No two projects are alike, and having a flexible system will save time.
  • Take a lead containment class. It's a wealth of information to aid in creating a system that best works for you.
  • Finally, no one way is perfect for every job. Everyone has developed different tricks, approaches, and methods for this process, and we would love to hear from you.