Condor Seeds
















She closed her eyes and faith

fell into her hands.


It was a glistening firefly flower;

Tiny, winged, scalloped petals the color of honey butter;

sticky with unimaginable wisdom.


It sang to her;

That universal hum – the sound of God.


We are Holy Beings;

made of star-dust and ash;

rooted only temporarily to a place

or each other.


In the dream-time,

the condor comes and She holds her

in a silent sermon

until she doesn’t.


A different offering

Another form . . .

Another kind of dying.


She wakes wiser;

with a new knowing:

All the power,

All the faith

isn’t in the spine of the plant

but, in its crowning beauty.

What seems new

is old . . .


And faith forms in her tiny seed.


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