[Ealge with Flag]

The Corps of Light Infantry was provided by one selected company from each infantry regiment and was one of the most prestigious and well uniformed in the Continental Army.

The field dress was a linen fringed hunting shirt worn with gaiter trousers and a leather peaked helmet and officers were armed with a spontoon and sword rather than a fusil.  In the field these companies were detached from their parent regiments acting as light infantry battalions as in the British Army.

[SOURCE:  R. J. Marrion.  Fellow of The Company of Military Historians of America.  Uniforms of the American War of Independence.  A series of 24 collector cards.  Victoria Gallery, London, England. 1992.]

Light Infantry Company,
4th Massachusetts Regiment
Continental Line


Light Infantry Company, 4th Massashusetts Regiment -- 1781

[SOURCE: Uniforms of the American War of Independence. A series of 24 collector cards.  Illustration by R. J. Marrion.  Fellow of The Company of Military Historians of America.  Victoria Gallery, London, England.  1992.]

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