The Premier National &
International Organization for

Social Workers
in Health Care

The Premier National & International Organization for

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Welcome to SSWLHC!

The SSWLHC promotes the universal availability and accessibility of health services including evidence-based practices which contribute to optimal health outcomes.

We are your home for Health Social Work!

Membership Benefits

for Health Social Workers

If you are already a SSWLHC Member, click here to log in and see your benefits!

SSWLHC has so much to offer Health Social Workers!

  • Community Network: We have an active Forum where you can connect with other health social workers
  • Continuing Education Offerings: We understand you need your CEU’s. As a member you will receive a discount on many educational offerings, conference registration fees and a number of FREE CEU’s!

    This Fall, SSWLHC has offered a total of 6.5 free CE’s

  • Exclusive Resources and Content
  • Monthly Newsletter
  •  Advocacy Reports
  • Latest news for Health Social Workers
  • Special offers from our sponsors

NEW!!! Students can join SSWLHC for FREE!!!

The Board of Directors are delighted to announce they have approved the offer of a FREE membership for BSW and MSW students! If you are enrolled in a social work program, you can recieve all the fantastic member benefits for free while you are a student!! 

There is no better way to start and enhance your health social work career than as a member of SSWLHC!!

SSWLHC is offering exciting options for a virtual educational event in place of an in-person conference for 2025.  While we value the opportunity to come together and learn together in person, we have also heard the feedback from our members that they enjoy a balance of virtual and live trainings and events.  We are also aware of the financial costs of attending live trainings where travel is involved and strive to provide cost-effective events that offer exceptional educational value.  

February 2025

NEWS: CE webinars this spring are now FREE for all members!
Non-Member registration reduced to $25.

News Alert: 2/27/2025
SSWLHC understands this is a very challenging time for health social workers. Because of this, we have changed our pricing on CE webinars:

All CE Webinars will be FREE for SSWLHC Members!

We have reduced the registration fee for non-members to $25

Upcoming Events!

For information on all our upcoming webinars, click here!

Please note that registrations will close 24 hours prior to the day of the webinar; we are not able to accommodate same day registrations.  

March 11, 2025
3:00 - 4:15 pm (est)
The Fight for Reproductive Freedom


Lyv Norris from Reproductive Equity Now
The landscape of reproductive freedom is rapidly shifting due to ongoing policy changes that restrict access to essential health services and threaten bodily autonomy. With increasing legal challenges and legislative efforts to limit reproductive rights, it is crucial to stay informed, support evidence-based policies, and engage in community-driven initiatives that expand access to care. Learn more about opportunities for education, advocacy, and resources to help advance these fundamental rights.

1 CE provided by SSWLHC

March 24, 2025
1:00 - 2:00 pm (est)
Emotional preparedness strategies to facilitate social worker wellbeing

Presenters: Derrick Kranke, PhD, and Jerry Floersch, PhD


1 CE available
$0 registration fee for SSWLHC Members
$25 registration fee for non-members

Our Affiliates

Thank you to Preferra Insurance Company for the generous sponsorship of both of these SSWLHC live webinars. We are so grateful for your support of health social workers.

Find out more about Preferra here!