Associate Professor
Dhammika Jayalath

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics
Broad area of research: Smart SystemsMain areas of research
- Optimum Resource Allocation
- Massive MIMO Systems
- Internet of Things
- Optimum Resource Allocations
- Physical Layer Security
- Cooperative communications and Cognitive radio
- Multi-carrier communications
- Vehicular communications
- Cross layer optimisation in wireless systems
- Communications theory.
- 2020: iMOVE Project grant: Pilot project (a member of the research team) V2B safety interactions using 4G mobile devices (AU $90 K)
- 2019: Commercial Project grant - Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES)- (AU $25 K)
- 2018: QUT - Large Equipment Grant to purchase Software Defined Radio Platform for teaching and Research (AU$25 K)
- 2015: QUT School of EECS on Localized wireless hotspot for physical layer security (AU$20 K)
- 2014: QUT-Teaching and Learning grant (a member of the team), to develop a text enriched concept inventory for student assessments (AU $20 K).
- 2008: QUT Teaching and Learning grant, to develop interactive problem database for digital communications unit (AU $2 K).
- 2008: QUT ECARD Grant - $15,000, Vice-Chancellor's earlier Career Academic Recruitment and Development Grant (AU $15 K).
- 2006: ARC Special e-research Grant - Chief Investigator, Title: Collection, Sharing, Visualisation and Analysis of locally gathered information from geographically remote areas vulnerable to tidal waves. This grant is administered by the University of Melbourne (Prof. Saman Halgamuge) (AU $90 K).
- 2005: ARC discovery grant - First Named Chief Investigator, Title: Design and analysis of optimum space time-frequency codes for multi-rate OFDM systems with funding of $150 000 over three years starting in 2005. This grant is administered by the Australian National University (AU $150 K).
- 2007 : Early Career Academic Recruitment and Development (ECARD) award from QUT
- 2000: IEEE travel grant, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- 2000: Postgraduate travel grant, Monash University, Australia.
- 1999 - 2002: Departmental scholarship for tuition fee, CSSE Monash university, Australia.
- 1999 - 2002: Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS), Monash University, Australia.
- 1997 - 1998: Finland Government Scholarship -MEng, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 1986: Best achievements award - Physics - Ananda College Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- 2007 - present: Senior Lecturer, School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, Science and Engineering Faculty, QUT.
- 2003 - 2007: Senior Researcher, Wireless Signal Processing, National ICT Australia Ltd, Canberra Research Laboratory (Researcher until January 2007).
- 2002 - 2007: Fellow, Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, School of Advanced Studies, Australian National University (Research Fellow until January 2007).
- 1999 - 2002: Research Assistant, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 1996 - 1997: Engineer Operations, Satellite Earth Station, Sri Lanka Telecom Ltd., Padukka, Sri Lanka.
- 1995 - 1996: Engineer customer services, Sri Lanka Telecom Ltd., Head Quarters, Lotus Road, Sri Lanka.
- 1995 - 1996: Demonstrator, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
- 1994 - 1995: Teaching Assistant, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Personal details
- Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics
Communications Theory, Cognitive Radio/Cooperative Communications, Physical Layer Security, 5G New Radio, Chaotic Communications, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Channel Estimation, Space-Time Signal Processing and MIMO, Resource Allocation, Vehicle To Vehicle Communications
Research field
Electrical engineering, Communications engineering, Curriculum and pedagogy
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD Wireless Communications (Monash University)
- Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (Queensland University of Technology)
Professional memberships and associations
- Senior Member - IEEE
- Member - IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
- Member - Australian Communications Research Network (ACoRN)
- Member - Australasian Association for Engineering Education.
Teaching Areas
Dr Jayalath has teaching experience in the following areas:
QUT: School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
- Signal Processing and Filtering
- Digital Communications
- Modern Signal Processing
- Wireless Communications
- Advanced Communications Systems
- Research Methods for Engineers
- Introduction to Telecommunications
Australian National University: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
- Mobile and Wireless Communications
NICTA, Canberra Research Laboratory
- Overview of Wireless Communications
- Advanced Course on Adaptive Wireless Communications
- Dukhan, A., Jayalath, D., van Heijster, P., Senadji, B. & Banks, J. (2020). A generalized multilevel-hybrid chaotic oscillator for low-cost and power-efficient short-range chaotic communication systems. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020(1).
- Sajjad, M., Jayalath, D. & Bernardos, C. (2019). A comprehensive review of enhancements and prospects of fast handovers for mobile IPv6 protocol. IEEE Access, 7, 4948–4978.
- Sajjad, M., Jayalath, D. & Bernardos, C. (2022). A flexible IPv6 mobility management architecture for SDN-based 5G mobile networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 33(3).
- Le, N., Tran, L., Vu, Q. & Jayalath, D. (2019). Energy-efficient resource allocation for OFDMA heterogeneous networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(10), 7043–7057.
- Le, N., Jayalath, D. & Coetzee, J. (2018). Spectral-efficient resource allocation for mixed services in OFDMA-based 5G heterogeneous networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 29(1), 1–13.
- Hussain, N., Ziri-Castro, K., Jayalath, D. & Arafah, M. (2017). Decode-to-cooperate: a sequential alamouti-coded cooperation strategy in dual-hop wireless relay networks. Telecommunication Systems, 64(2), 355–366.
- Goncher, A., Jayalath, D. & Boles, W. (2016). Insights into students' conceptual understanding using textual analysis: A case study in signal processing. IEEE Transactions on Education, 59(3), 216–223.
- Onubogu, O., Ziri-Castro, K., Jayalath, D. & Suzuki, H. (2015). Experimental evaluation of the performance of 2x2 MIMO-OFDM for vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015, 1–19.
- Perera, O. & Jayalath, D. (2014). Finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing trade-off of inter-vehicular cooperative diversity protocols. Electronics Letters, 50(16), 1169–1171.
- Chen, X., Jones, H. & Jayalath, D. (2011). Channel-aware routing in MANETs with route handoff. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10(1), 108–121.
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Dhammika, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).
- Type
- Membership of Learned Societies
- Reference year
- 2009
- Details
- Elevated to the Senior Member Grade of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Current supervisions
- A Physical Layer Security Framework for the Secret Key Distribution among Resource-Constrained IoT Devices in a Fog Network
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Vicky Liu - Efficient Multi-User Massive MIMO Systems for Dense Mobile Networks
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Jacob Coetzee - Optimising High-Temperature Superconducting Electronics in Front-end Microwave Systems
PhD, Mentoring Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Richard Taylor, Dr Jacob Coetzee
Completed supervisions (Doctorate)
- A Novel Generalized Multilevel-Hybrid Chaotic Oscillator for Communication Systems (2020)
- Spectral and Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in OFDMA Femtocell Heterogeneous Networks (2019)
- Security of Critical Information Infrastructures Exposed to Mobile Personal Devices (2018)
- Sensing-Assisted Spectrum Access Strategy and Optimization in Cognitive Radio Networks (2018)
- Cooperative Communication in Relay Assisted Wireless Access Networks (2017)
- Simulation and Measurement Based MIMO & Vehicular Channel Characterization at 920 MHz and 5.8 GHz (2016)
- Cooperative Diversity for Performance Enhancement of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (2015)
- Ergodic Capacity and Outage Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Protocols (2013)
- Fairness Aware Resource Allocation in Multi-hop OFDM Systems (2013)
- Slotted Cooperative Communication in Half Duplex Relay Networks (2013)
The supervisions listed above are only a selection.