Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

IT-standards in der agrar- und ernährungswirtschaft -- fokus: risiko- und krisenmanagement P-226, 185-188 (2014).

Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn

Copyright © Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn


Efficient transparency in meat supply chains with IT-standards- EPCIS based tracking \& tracing for business partners, consumers and authorities

Tim Bartram , Huub Scholten , Ayalew Kassahun , Sabine Kläser , Ralph Tröger , Rob J. M. Hartog , Angela Schillings-Schmitz and Sandra Meier


How can the future agri food business be made more efficient, transparent and safe? This article on a new MIP meat transparency system describes a future system aiming for an efficient transparency in meat supply chains with IT- standards. The shape of the new system will be highlighted on the background of preliminary ICT solutions and the recent developments in the FIspace project. The core of the supply chain wide transparency is built upon the EPCIS standard from GS1 which enables transparency in the cloud for all stakeholders. Not only the prerequisites but also the benefits from using such a standardized solution are explained for the different user groups. The article closes with an outlook to the further improvements and the expanded usage with new funding by the EU.

Full Text: PDF

Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn
ISBN 978-388579-620-6

Last changed 15.04.2014 17:36:51