Life and Limb

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Life and Limb


All Forests and all Saprolings are 1/1 green Saproling creatures and Forest lands in addition to their other types. (They're affected by summoning sickness.)

Epidilius on Infinite Rulings

1 month ago

Sorry, wasn't trying to come off as dismissive of the whole reason for the post. But, well, even those rules you've listed now are vague. Even just the "No MLD" rules brings up a ton of questions. Does that include Bearer of the Heavens, or Life and Limb + Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth + Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, or even just a bunch of "You get an extra land drop" cards + Crucible of Worlds + Ghost Quarter?

Trying to change the fundamentals of Magic gameplay is complicated. The MTG comp rules is 905 "main" rules (plus who knows how many sub-rules) for a reason haha.

If I were asked to write the rules for this tournament, I would say

"We want battlecruisery and unoptimized Magic, like we played when we first started. This is the spirit of what we are aiming for. No efficient tutors, no fast mana, no MLD, and combos can only trigger once per turn. Here some decks that showcase the level of power we are aiming for (each with a different archetype):

  • Example Deck 1
  • Example Deck 2
  • Example Deck 3

If you are unsure if something crosses the line (eg, Farseek, Increasing Ambition, etc), ask and the entire playgroup can weigh in. If something comes up during a game, we'll figure it out then."

But even with all that, these rules wouldn't affect one of my close friend's Yidris, Maelstrom Wielderfoil deck. It doesn't combo, doesn't have tutors, doesn't have Mana Vault, but it can get a quick Ydris into play and start generating tons of value pretty early, by casting multiple expensive spells every turn cycle. It violates the spirit of the ask, but unless I write a multi page document it won't violate the rules as written. Unless, of course, he were to play in good faith and say "I know this deck meets the rules as written but not as intended," which I believe he would.

Foxigami on Earthquake

3 months ago

Scapeshift, Primeval Titan, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Explore, Golos, Tireless Pilgrim, Arboreal Grazer, Spelunking, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove would be some cards that are fun.

Springheart Nantuko is such a fun card to build around. there are some many combos i can think of that would be fun with it assuming you trigger the landfall trigger and play for the bestow cost. bestowing it on Arboreal Grazer would make you empty your hand of all lands, bestowing it on Azusa, Lost but Seeking or Dryad of the Ilysian Grove allows you to play an infinite amount of lands, and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim or Primeval Titan as it would allow you to automatically play all the lands in your library... though you would need Spelunking or Amulet of Vigor to make the lands enter untapped. if you really wanna some jank infinite combo, bestow it on Scute Swarm and have Ashaya, Soul of the Wild for infinite scute swarms and landfall triggers. i think the most janky combo i can think of with this card would be Life and Limb, Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, and Mind Bend. if valakut and yavimaya are on the battlefield and you mind bend valakut to replace the mountain text with forest. you can bestow any of your lands and have valakut ping an infinite number of times.

anyways, Springheart Nantuko combo tangent aside, i highly recommend adding either Crucible of Worlds, Conduit of Worlds, Ramunap Excavator, Perennial Behemoth, and/or Walk-In Closet / Forgotten Cellar as it would allow you to recast your fetch lands from your graveyard every turn.

StarRushford on Zimone, Mytery unraveler

5 months ago

Probably more bounce lands. Arid Archway Coral Atoll Guildless Commons Jungle Basin are the ones you could run.

Also, Avenger of Zendikar, Druid Class, Khalni Heart Expedition, and maybe Zendikar Resurgent. Engulf the Shore for a boardwipe. Fecund Greenshell is a good buff card in a Landfall deck. Life and Limb Natural Affinity and Rude Awakening can be close a game.

Balaam__ on Ramp Ramp Ramp

5 months ago

The idea of ramping into big creatures is perfectly valid, and a number of competitive decks fall under this umbrella. The issue I see here is there is actually very little ramping going on. Almost none. Traditionally, ramp decks run things like mana dorks (Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic etc) or established combos like Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl . With minimal effort you can generate loads of mana by Turn 3-4, enough to plop down a massive creature to essentially finish the game.

There’s nothing wrong with a fresh take on an old idea, but what you currently have here may be a bit unfocused. Splendid Reclamation needs a load of lands to be already in your graveyard to be viable, so it’s really a card you choose to build around rather than add to an existing list. Same with Conduit of Worlds. Without some mass-discard engine in place to force feed lands to your graveyard, they don’t do much here.

Life and Limb and Spelunking don’t really contribute much toward your goal of getting a gigantic monster in play as soon as possible, so those slots would probably be better utilized by other cards.

Amulet of Vigor and Summoner's Pact may be worth keeping, depending on how the rest of the deck shapes up.

Again, you can build whatever you want, and there’s little fun to be had in just copy&paste someone else’s established Tier 1 build, but I do think there’s room to improve here and streamline things toward your stated goal.

Gidgetimer on Will animating card:Machine God's Effigy …

7 months ago

A card can not have subtypes for a type that it doesn't have. The subtypes are removed, not made "dormant". There is no such prohibition on P/T as a printed characteristic.

205.3d An object can’t gain a subtype that doesn’t correspond to one of that object’s types.

Another example of this is if a creature is enchanted with Song of the Dryads and Life and Limb is on the battlefield, the creatures is a 1/1 Creature Land- Saproling Forest. It doesn't have any of the card's original types.

myLAAN on Colorshift Land Control

1 year ago

It's not really limiting your opponents' mana along the way, but Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth with Life and Limb and Plague Engineer is game winning lock.

Goldberserkerdragon on Jetmir's Myriad Debauchery

1 year ago

Kamerot Word man, that's awesome. The myriad stories of how we all become players, the bonds we make, the commanders we fall in love with--it's poetic almost. My first commander was Krenko, Mob Boss and I still operate and maintain him--turbo fun--makes all the bodies you want. I tried Kamahl once as an Animation deck. Turns out it's pretty difficult to justify turning all your lands into creatures that can die, even with mass land recursion spells such as Splendid Reclamation, Gaea's Will, etc. lol. I really like the Living Lands, Life and Limb, and Nature's Revolt cards but even Yedora just makes it oops combo.

CamraMaan on Interaction between Yedora, Grave Gardener, …

1 year ago

In short, when Yedora, Grave Gardener turns a dead creature into a Forest, and Life and Limb makes it into a creature, will tapping that Forest creature for mana produce an extra green mana from Leyline of Abundance? My assumption is that it effectively exists as a creature with the ability to tap and add one green, like a Llanowar Elves (but a saproling), and should therefore trigger the Leyline. But I just want to make sure. Thanks in advance!

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