Mana Crypt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mana Crypt


At the beginning of your upkeep, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, this deals 3 damage to you.

: Add .

DemonDragonJ on The New Commander Brackets Beta

1 week ago

Azdranax, I fully agree that I would prefer that Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus remain banned in EDH, since the rules committee banned them for a reason, although I still am hoping for Prophet of Kruphix to be unbanned, at some point, since I feel that the format has evolved sufficiently for the prophet to no longer be a major issue in it.

Mortlocke on The New Commander Brackets Beta

2 weeks ago

I'm just wondering if there is a forums post already made about the new Commander Brackets Beta that was recently announced? Article and Video links are here in case anyone missed it. I'll just weigh in with my two cents - then when an Admin comes along to let me know that this is a duplicate thread i'll just post my opinion there.

I just have to get this out of my system first and foremost:

The RC hardly ever interacted with the community they supposedly represented. They didn't go to conventions to poll players on their experiences, or actively see what they could do to improve the average experience of the game. At times I viewed their opinions as reductive especially in regards to their banning of Mana Crypt:

"In games going over twelve turns, the accumulated threat of damage from Mana Crypt provides a reasonable counterbalance for its explosive effect, but when you are snowballing to a turn-six to -eight win, it's a meaningless drawback. Source

That statement alone is invalidating a whole portion of the group they supposedly represented - effectively stating that anyone who wants to play High Powered or cEDH decks just shouldn't. Not to mention the inconsistency of that logic - why not also ban Sol Ring, Dark Ritual or anything that leaves the player at a net positive for mana? Commander wouldn't be where it is today if games always had to be well beyond turn 8. At best, the RC banned a card because it was too easily abused, at worst they banned a card due to anecdotal evidence. I get that they wanted to help, but ultimately their execution left a lot to be desired.

I'm grateful for Gavin Verhey and his team starting the format down the right path. Now we as players are starting to have a common language to better understand the intent of our fellow players and craft an experience where we can all have fun. I am very optimistic for Commander's future, and will be participating in the Beta at my local venue.

Also, I think that Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus will likely see an unbanning in late April - early May.

What say you all?

NensouHiebara on Halvar, Divine Voltron

3 months ago


I honestly thought The One Ring was a banworthy card and never bothered with it.

Another thing is the lifeloss. I've died to Mana Crypt triggers before, and The One Ring's damage is more consistent and at a much higher rate once there's enough burden counters. And if you're not drawing cards from it, it burns you for nothing. Even with multiple sources of lifelink available in the deck, I don't wouldn't want to press my luck with it.

MTGBurgeoning on The Chitter-Chatter(Fang) of So Many Little Feet

4 months ago

Thank you for commenting on my deck! I appreciate it. FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not played with this Chatterfang, Squirrel General deck since the banning of Jeweled Lotus and Mana Crypt, both of which were in this build prior to being showcased on tappedout. They were replaced with Llanowar Elves and Fyndhorn Elves. Since these two zero-mana artifacts were replaced, there did not seem to be a need for Urza's Saga anymore, which was replaced by a basic Swamp. Anyway, in the rare instances when one of these artifacts was in my opening hand, a turn one Chatterfang was almost always game over, especially if that artifact was Jeweled Lotus, which allowed me to cast a one-drop in addition to casting our General. Aside from these occurrences, the deck is still lightning fast. There are so many different ways to combo-off and so many ways to find the needed pieces, it is almost a detriment to playing this build: Often times I have focused TOO MUCH on the combo pieces as opposed to engaging in some aristocratic game-play from turn to turn by whittling opponents' life totals down here and there. I admit that once a copy of Old Gnawbone becomes available, then it would easily replace Beledros Witherbloom. I originally had token doublers in this build like Parallel Lives and Doubling Season, but decided to take them out because Chatterfang is a token-doubler, should almost always be on our side of the battlefield, and I could use those cards in other decks. They ain't cheap! Tree rats 4life. Happy brewing!!

StarRushford on No Budget Black Stax Dream Deck

4 months ago

Maybe replace Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus for them? They are banned now.

May your flight be swift

Niko9 on MASSIVE EDH RC ban list …

5 months ago

One thing I was thinking about with all this was, I wonder if a good split in the format would be combat damage vs alternate wincon, rather than necessarily cEDH and commander. Just as much as Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus are broken when everyone is swinging Serra Angels High damage commanders like Slicer kind of play weird in cEDH because they generally knock out one or two players and then lose.

TypicalTimmy on Players should ignore the rules …

5 months ago

Like him or hate him, Rudy at Alpha Investments makes a great point in that video.

The TLDR is basically that he suspects this was not an overnight decision but a 1 to 2 year process with conversations. You don't just upend a decision like that when you are a billion dollar company.

Look at how many reprints WOTC made of those cards over the past several years, milking as many sales as possible for chase cards with all kinds of borders and artwork.

You wouldn't suddenly disrupt that cashcow unless you had a long term strategy in mind, such as replacing those cards with newer, better supplements.

For example, what if in the coming months or years we get something that looks like this:



Pay 2 life, : Add

Without Mana Crypt, that's the new $200 chase card everybody needs. Even if it's strictly worse, in terms of using in untap combos.

Ergo, he suspects this banning was planned in favor of new cards being pushed.

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