Stormtide Leviathan

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stormtide Leviathan

Creature — Leviathan

Islandwalk (This creature is unblockable as long as defending player controls an Island.)

All lands are Islands in addition to their other types.

Creatures without flying or islandwalk can't attack.

Mortlocke on water proof deck (v.3.0)

3 weeks ago


I can see that you are starting a Primer, in case you don't have them I suggest the following resource: Epochalyptik's Do you want to write a primer? I've found it useful and hope you do as well. So, first things first I have some questions:

  1. What decks do you intend to play with using this deck? Do you want to play in a High Powered pod with degenerate spells like Mana Drain, Force of Will, Winter Orb and the like? Or is this a pod with lower power?

  2. What's the budget with this deck? Is it to be in the same mold as an upgraded precon?

  3. How do you want to win?

I saw your comments on the Advertise your deck forum, and I can see that you wish to add more draw and more control. In regards to draw I can see that Rhystic Study was suggested before and you have budgetary concerns - there is always the option to proxy. If your playgroup allows it of course.

Possible subthemes/Wincons to consider outside of Voltron: - A flicker (exile a permanent then return it to the battlefield end of turn) subtheme may be an interesting direction to go with this deck. There are numerous options to go with in blue and including creatures such as Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Scourge of Fleets, Archaeomancer, Spark Double, and Spellseeker to use and abuse their enter the battlefield effects.

Honorable Mentions for fun Control/Card Advantage effects:

  • Aven Courier - this guy helps your commander do more of what it likes to do. You should try and slot him in.
  • Stormtide Leviathan - this guy can stop combat damage from reaching you for a time
  • Faerie Mastermind - fun little taxing effects like this are great because it guarantees card advantage
  • Wavebreak Hippocamp - given your deck has a lot of interaction it's likely you could keep up your tempo with this guy out

TheoryCrafter on 1 Billion Grains Of Salt | Mass Land Destruction

3 months ago

If you were going to get rid of any of your mass land destruction cards, my recommendation would be Tsunami. It only destroys Islands. In an Anti-Blue deck that would could be epic, but is only useful against decks that run blue or Stormtide Leviathan.

As for consistent card draw, my recommendations would be Akki Scrapchomper, Grabby Giant and Nahiri's Lithoforming. All of these would also put lands into your graveyard.

May you draw well!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on If you could run any …

1 year ago

I know there are ways to do it, but Battlefield Thaumaturge just kinda speaks to me.

Also, Stormtide Leviathan would be an insanely cool commander.

To get back to my usual wheelhouse, Green Dragon is superfun, and having it as a commander would for sure make for a pretty interesting deck.

Ghool on Kira the Thief

1 year ago

Sceptre of Eternal Glory is nice, use it in two other decks. Throne of Eldraine pretty good too speaking of mana and draw.

Mind Stone I run in pretty much every other deck, great card and most likely getting added.

There's a few high cost cards I'm not getting enough out of such as Archetype of Imagination and Stormtide Leviathan for example that will most likely be removed. The aforementioned Shadowspear has been weak since hexproof has not really been an issue. Don't need both Bident of Thassa and Coastal Piracy so one could be replaced.

Added Capsize and Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage a few days ago. I believe they'll be nice additions.

Come December I hope to be updating this thing and it already plays quite well right now. If you have any ideas for cards that might work well besides ramp please list them. I was looking at cards like Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant, but the mana cost seven is higher than I want (been working on reducing the mana cost of my decks). Things that steal or drastically slow down opponents are great.

DreadKhan on Aquaman, Lord of the Fishies

1 year ago

In Simic there are options like Koma, Cosmos Serpent which can just overwhelm tables by itself, especially if you can protect it. Not the cheapest card though, some cheaper options are Overwhelming Stampede, which can help close games by making your creatures a lot bigger, even if you don't have a huge number of them, as long as you have a creature with decent power out you'll be good. There is also Blossoming Bogbeast, this wants ways to gain life, but Green has some out there, Primal Command is a great budget card IMHO, solves problems and has pretty impressive synergy with the Bogbeast. You might like using Spawning Kraken, any time an appropriate creature gets in you get another big token. Finally, not sure if you have enough Islandwalk, but Stormtide Leviathan is a big unblockable attacker that makes you fairly hard to attack. Resolving any of those cards tends to end games pretty quickly in my experience, and most reward you for simply having a big board, a thing you always want to be doing.

I also like some of Blue's fairly nasty interaction, one alternative to making your guys big is to make someone else's guys way smaller, Mass Diminish is frankly an absurd amount of value in more Casual pods, such as lower budget games. Note it has Flashback and the effect lasts an entire turn cycle, meaning it can also eliminate an archenemy that's gotten ahead. Since you're running higher MV stuff, you might try out Curse of the Swine, this can make your opponent's defenses quite paltry, and it also can deal with problem creatures (like the aforementioned Koma) since it's an Exile effect. Another way to chip away at your opponent (and empower yourself) is to use something like Mass Diminish, I don't know how long your games go, but if you expect to end up with +10 mana available, this card starts looking interesting. I'd skip it if people run a lot of counterspells though, it's a 'go big or go home' kinda card but by all means hold up your own Negate.

Green has some interaction of it's own, if people run flyers in your meta and you're losing to them there are many ways in Green to wipe them, I like Squallmonger and Silklash Spider, but there are a ton more including Hurricane. If you don't have many flyers, this does nothing to you. Green also has Ezuri's Predation if people like to make lots of tokens that are usually smaller than 4/4 (if you run anthem effects that affect the beasts the card is much better obviously).

Just a general point, in Simic it's nice to avoid artifact ramp because you have so many amazing options to ramp with, artifacts tend to die more easily than lands, so effects that get extra lands into play are better than Command Sphere, especially in a 2 colour deck I'd argue. Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland are both fairly interesting ramp cards, you can always leave them as lands until you need them. Another feature of land ramp is that you can run cards like Rampaging Baloths and Scute Swarm, either gets a lot better if you're getting more landfall trigger, artifacts rarely have synergy with Simic game plans.

KongMing on Wizard101 | FREE Download | Play Now!

1 year ago

Great question Frostfire524. There are a couple infinite combos (and a few power combos/cards) that win you the game.

Galecaster Colossus can be enough to lock opponents (even multiple opponents) out of the game with mass bounce. If someone tries to remove it, counterspell.

Cyclonic Rift is in a similar boat, and can be retrieved from the graveyard by cards like Archaeomancer and Mystic Sanctuary. Clone Legion is another great card that can make the game one-sided.

Stormtide Leviathan is a big beater that can finish games if opponents have been swinging at each other a bit and don't have many fliers. Just yesterday I used Rite of Replication on the Stormtide the turn after casting it - six 8/8s with Islandwalk are pretty good at winning the game.

Ultimately though, the goal for the deck is to hold off the opponents until it is ready to draw/mill itself out and win. Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and Laboratory Maniac allow you to win when you deck yourself. Those are obvious, how do you get there? We have a few options.

First, the mill. This deck has a LOT of scry, but not much shuffle. That is a very intentional design decision. You want to remember what your bottom card is at all times, because the spell Tunnel Vision will let you throw all the rest of your library into your graveyard, leaving only that card on top. So you go from having 70-80 cards in library to 1.

This strategy can also target the opponent. Our spells Hinder, Spell Crumple, and Vendilion Clique all let us put cards on the bottom of an opponent's library. Now we can target them with Tunnel Vision! Much fun ensues.

Now for drawing yourself out. This is accomplished through infinite bounce triggers. The card Naru Meha, Master Wizard goes infinite with bounce spells like Ghostly Flicker, Freed from the Real, Displace, and Illusionist's Stratagem. This can let you bounce another Wizard that lets you draw cards, or use other output cards like Kindred Discovery or Sage's Row Denizen to knock out libraries. There's lot of others combos too, like being able to use Naru Meha and Ghostly Flicker with Sunscorched Desert to ping opponents to death.

DreadKhan on The Quackening

1 year ago

I have a Quest for Ula's Temple deck which does some similar things, I liked Dreamscape Artist because it can reshuffle your library as needed, incase you don't have a relevant creature to work with on top. It's technically only 1 mana and a card to Harrow (you get back 2 untapped lands, so it can also helping mana fixing) Blue, and I could be wrong but I think your Commander wants the odd Discard outlet too. A worse (but still potentially useful) piece of Blue ramp is Apprentice Wizard, it's not as good as Dreamscape, it's like Worn Powerstone, which is a good rock if you want bigger ramp to potentially cast a big creature a bit sooner. Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus are big ramp rocks with decent ratios. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers are pretty good together, if you have a lot of devotion to a colour Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx can help, Deserted Temple can untap any land that makes extra mana. Less rampy and more of a big Scry effect, Soothsaying is a neat card if you care about your deck order. Scroll Rack is better but costs more.

Just a general idea, you might throw in things like Reconnaissance Mission, Bident of Thassa, and Coastal Piracy along with some Unblockable or Shadow creatures (Thalakos and Dauthi are the Blue and Black tribes). You can also throw in stuff like Sword of the Animist, Dowsing Dagger  Flip, Prying Blade, Goldvein Pick, Grim Hireling, and any other attack payoffs you can find to generate more value over time. I understand you want a sea-monster theme, but you might want a way to draw some cards/get in some chip damage to soften people up. The only drawback to Shadows is that they can't chump block. If you really want your evasive creatures to be able to chump, there are some small flyers like Spectral Sailor and Thousand-Faced Shadow that have other upsides, these are risk free but are way less evasive than Shadows.

On that note, if you're worried about getting attacked you might look at Propaganda, War Tax, Flood, and Fatespinner are all great ways to make you hard to attack. Mass Diminish, Polymorphist's Jest, Sudden Spoiling, AEtherize, Aetherspouts are all great cards for people to fear.

Callous Oppressor is a funny repeatable theft effect, Ritual of the Machine and Helm of Possession can both steal stuff and are great with tokens, Thieving Skydiver can steal an artifact creature fwiw, Sower of Temptation is a so-so theft effect that shines bright if you can flicker or bounce it, Thalakos Deceiver is probably way better since he permanently steals whatever and can be reanimated, Inevitable Betrayal and Bribery are both pretty sweet.

The biggest (and perhaps best) theft effects are Mass Manipulation and Cultural Exchange, exchange requires bodies but can also be used aggressively to just ruin two players' boards.

Inkwell Leviathan, Lochmere Serpent, Spawning Kraken, Stormtide Leviathan, and Wrexial, the Risen Deep are some relevant creatures I use, some are better than others but there is nothing as bad as Sea Serpent or Bog Serpent, both cards I love but don't use.

If you like Whelming Wave, you might like Spectral Deluge as well.

Hope some of this helps, Big Dimir is a fun deck!

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